№ 2(38), 2018
S.V. Eliseev, I.S. Sitov, Vuong Quang Chyk. Relationships of dynamic reactions of ties in joints of elements of vibrational structures as a parameter of the dynamic state of the system
P.M. Ogar, E.V. Ugryumova. Density of gaps when spherical asperities of rough surface are loaded by rigid
flat surface
S.P. Eresko, T.T. Eresko, E.V. Kukushkin, S.V. Kukushkin, V.A. Menovshchikov. Increasing the durability
of the bearings of the universal joint of unequal angular velocities
Vuong Quang Chyk. New possibilities for changing dynamic conditions of vibration technology machines
Le Chi Vinh, D.A. Starodubtseva, V.P. Koltsov, Nguyen The Hoang. Determination of a degree of shot
coverage after shot peen forming by image processing
Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, Nguyen Van Huan. The use of energy storage devices and controlled distributed generation plants to reduce voltage dips in a network energy cluster
I.O. Belsky, A.V. Lukyanov. Mathematical, numerical and full-scale modeling of magnetic field parameters
in the asynchronous electric motors with nonsymmetrical current phases
A.M. Dzhambekov, A.G. Kokuev. Algorithms for optimal control of the process of catalytic reforming
of gasoline fractions
V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova, N.V. Starikova. Methods for determining heat exergy for the study
of low-temperature and cryogenic processes
M.M. Romadanova, B.G. Vager. Methods for processing experimental data in modeling geophysical processes
S.O. Belinsky, K.B. Kuznetsov. Modeling the distribution of magnetic field induction in alternating current
contact network
I.A. Sysoev, T.I. Sysoeva, N.N. Ivanov, А.S. Sukhanov. Experimental model and results of studies
of thermoelectric conversion processes
P.S. Pankratiev. Location of a thermal power plant in a district with decentralized electricity supply taking
into account many criteria
Yu.N. Alpatov, M.S. Kozachyuk. The technique of lowering the dimension of sparse matrices
V.E. Rodionov, M.V. Derbin, V.N. Udalcov, D.A. Savenkov, V.S. Seredkina, I.V. Grigorev. Installation
for studying the force of chipless cutting of packed logging waste with curved cutting edges
М.V. Kolominova. Study of specific energy consumption of certain types of machines for logging roads construction
Е.G. Sokolova. Modification of phenol-formaldehyde resin with melamine-carbamide-formaldehyde resin
for bonding plywood
E.G. Khitrov, V.B. Peskov, D.P. Kazakov, V.E. Bozhbov, M.V. Stepanishcheva. Method of solving the problem
of stamp indention into inhomogeneous soil massif
S.V. Kucher, G.V. Grigorev, V.A. Ivanov. A refined model of wood centrifugal impregnation
S.P. Isaev, N.O. Begunkova, O.I. Begunkov, K.A. Shevchuk. Evaluation of the effectiveness of aqueous adhesive Dorus FU 406 processing by microwave radiation in the gluing veneer technologies
V.P. Sivakov, A.V. Vurasko, A.R. Minakova. Influence of paper cloth mass fluctuations on the quality
of commercial products
I.V. Dudina, G.A. Ramazanova, E.V. Nester. Influence of some design parameters of the combined reinforcement of concrete beams in assessing their limit states
S.P. Osipov, I.A. Prishchepa, A.I. Kudyakov, A.V. Batranin, O.S. Osipov. Computer tomography of foam concrete
V.A. Lyublinsky, M.V. Tomina. Influence of nonlinear deformation of bridges on the process of redistribution
of forces in the bearing elements of the diaphragm
V.N. Makarova. Complex use of technogenic by-products in concrete production
I.G. Endzhievskaya, N.G. Vasilovskaya, O.V. Gofman, A.D. Kozmin, V.A. Grigoreva. Fine-grained
shotcrete-concrete with complex modifiers