About the journal
Peer-reviewed periodical scientific journal “SYSTEMS. METHODS. TECHNOLOGIES” is a regional scientific publication.
The editorial board of the journal is represented by the heads of technical universities and research institutes of Eastern Siberia and the Far East: BrSU, NR ISTU, IRGUPS, ESSTU, ZabGU, TOGU, IrkutskNIIkhimmash. The editorial board includes scientists from Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, the USA, and Japan.
The journal is registered with the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, has an international registration number and a subscription index in the unified catalog of the Rospechat agency.
Peer-reviewed periodical scientific journal “Systems. Methods. Technologies”, published on the basis of the Bratsk State University, since 2011 has been included in the List of the VAK of the leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications in which the main scientific results of the dissertation for the degree of doctor and candidate of science should be published”.
The journal includes the following sections:
- Problems of mechanics and machine science;
- Modeling and control in technical systems;
- Modern technologies.
The journal presents the following scientific specialties:
2.5.2. Mechanical engineering (technical sciences),
2.5.3. Friction and wear in machines (technical sciences),
2.5.4. Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems,
2.5.5. Technology and equipment of mechanical and physico-technical processing (technical sciences),
2.5.6. Technology of mechanical engineering (technical sciences),
2.2.8. Methods and devices for monitoring and diagnostics of materials, products, substances and the natural environment (technical sciences),
2.4.5. Energy systems and complexes (technical sciences),
4.3.4. Technologies, machinery and equipment for forestry and wood processing (technical sciences).
All articles submitted to the editors of the journal are subject to mandatory review in the relevant scientific editors. The average publication time is up to three months after the receipt of the paper and electronic package of documents (for more details, see the section "Requirements for the design of the article").
The articles are published for fee.
The journal was registered on the 10th of September, 2009, Registration Certificate ПИ № ФС77-37462.
ISSN 2077-5415
Subscription index 37228 in the “Russian Post” agency catalogue.
eLIBRARY.RU: yes |
ESCI: no |
RSCI: yes |
Web of Science: no |
RSCI Core: yes |
Scopus: no |
List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: yes |
DOI prefix: 10.18324/2077 |
CrossRef: yes |
DOAJ: no |
Databases: RSCI, Ulrich, Google Scholar |
Room 2208, Building 2,
Makarenko Str., 40,
Bratsk, Russia 665709
Telephone: 8 (3953) 344-000, доб.457
E-mail: smt@brstu.ru