№ 2(10) (май 2011)
Огар П.М., Тарасов В.А., Дайнеко А.А. К вопросу упругопластического внедрения сферического индентора
Кобзов Д.Ю., Жмуров В.В., Кобзова И.О. Варианты расчета продольного прогиба гидроцилиндра
Дулепов Е.Г., Ефремова А.Н. Структура и возможности универсального алгоритма доказательства теорем
Губарева Т.В. Разработка физической модели гетерогенного взаимодействия атмосферного аэрозоля
Зубов А.В., Стрекопытова М.В., Стрекопытова А.С. Основные свойства полиномов Гурвица
Иванов В.Г. Случайные и систематические накопления разностей d в нивелирных линиях I класса
Горяев А.С., Жук А.Ю., Федяев А.А. Разработка новых способов очистки береговой зоны водохранилищ
Губарева Т.В. Изучение образования нитратов щелочных металлов в атмосфере
Ерофеева М.Р., Синегибская А.Д. Определение норм накопления бытовых отходов для города Братска
- Аннотации опубликованных статей
- Сведения об авторах
Part 1. Issues of Mechanics and Engineering Science
P.M. Ogar, O.V. Belyaeva, E.A. Klyuchev. Contact interaction of rigid rough surface with elastic half-space through viscoelastic coating layer
P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.A. Daineko. On the issue of the elastic-plastic introduction of a spher-ical indenter
L. A. Bokhoeva, A. G. Pnev, T.A. Damdinov. Modeling and fabrication method of a helicopter blade made from composite materials
S.V. Eliseev, Yu.V. Ermochenko, I.S. Sitov, A.N. Trofimov. Mathematical models of dynamic os-cillation absorbers. The feedback concept
A.I. Antamoshkin, V. S. Eresko. Introducton of machine-building cad in short-run production
V.V. Budanov, S.P. Eresko, S.M. Shevtsov. Decrease of dynamic twisting fluctuations in diesel engine-generating systems
I.M. Efremov, D.V. Lobanov, K.N. Figura, I.V. Komarov. Patent-analytical survey and the extend-ed classification of concrete mixing machines in the aspect of investigating the concrete mixtures vibration technologies
D.Yu. Kobzov, V.V. Zhmurov, I.O. Kobzova. The alternative calculations for hydrocylinder longi-tudinal deflection
D. Kobzov, S. Cherezov, D. Lkhanag. The hydraulic system with auxiliary touch supporting hydro-cylinder
A.A. Klimov, A.V. Struchkov. The comparative analysis of dynamic and test-bench performance of class 40 kN bulldozer power generating system
G. Tsogtjargal, B. Batmonkh. An investigation for improving power performance by vvt effect of spark ignition engine by wave simulation
S.V. Kaverzin, A.A. Mikhailov. The research of hydrolic oil decontamination taking into account its vibration
Part 2. Modeling and Control in Mechanical Systems
Yu.N. Alpatov, I.V. Borisenko, M.G. Borisenko. Multiply connected object mathematical model development by means of strucrural graphs method
L.V. Antonova, A.V. Daneev, Yu.F. Mukhopad, V.A. Rusanov. An analytical approach to the theory of structural identification
E.G. Dulepov, E.V. Kravchenko. The structure and performance capabilities of a theorem proving universal algorithm
T.V. Gubareva. The physical model development for atmospheric aerosol heterogeneous interaction
G.A. Bolshanin, L.Yu. Bolshanina, E.G. Mariyasova. Extrinsic characterization of three-phase four-wire circuit overhead power transmission line
A.V. Zubov, M.V. Strekopytova, A.S. Strekopytova. The basic properties of Gurvits polynoms
Yu.N. Bulatov, I.V. Ignatiev. The effect of coupled systems adjustment of AFC and ARC power plant generators on the electric power systems stability
Раrt 3. Modern Technologies
A.S. Yanyushkin, D.V. Lobanov, D.A. Rychkov. Milling productivity improvement based on the tool assembly design automation
E.G. Skripnyak, D.V. Lobanov, V.V Skripnyak, A.S. Yanyushkin, V.A. Skripnyak, D.A. Rychkov. Ceramic nanocomposites on the basis of zirconium diboride
A.N. Emtsev, B.A. Shakirov, A.Yu. Artemiyev. The performance analysis of the wind plants em-ployment in the northern areas of the republic of Sakha (Yakutiya)
S.I. Vasiliev, V.M. Melkozerov, A.S. Ortman. Experimental and theoretical studies of foam-heat insulation material for soil protection against frost penetration in Siberia
S.M. Bazarov, S.V. Belokobylsky, O.A. Kunitskaya. On the wood compaction by means of its compressing
Yu.I. Belenky, S.P. Rykov, G.K. Parfenopulo. On the strategy of the lumbering machinery systems effective operation on the basis of stochastic model
A.N. Soloviyov, A.V. Elkin. The possibility of timber dressing with a string performing thermosonic oscillations
A.A. Baranov, L.V. Gavrilenko, A.V. Morenko, A.A. Blashkov, S.I. Pentyukhin. The fluorine-containing solid wastes utilization in aluminium production
S.I. Nozhko, O.Yu. Sukhov. The practice of current burden increase on the second generation alu-minium electrolyzers
V.G. Ivanov. Accidental and systematic difference accumulation d in class I leveling lines
L.A. Mamaev, A.N. Sukhikh, A.A. Varfolomeev. Innovative technologies for non-operational wood and wood waste logging and recycling in order to obtain gas-producing fuel
A.S. Goryaev, A.Yu. Zhuk, A.A. Fedyaev. The development of new methods for reservoirs shore cleaning
A.Yu. Zhuk. Technical support of the float having lost its buoyancy
Part 4. Ecology and Nature Management
P.B. Ryabukhin, A.P. Kovalev, A.S. Abramenko. Urgent problems of the forestry policy imple-mentation in khabarovsk territory
Е.М. Runova, T.A. Mikhailova , L.V. Anoshkina. The effect of recreational load on the radial pine-tree growth
Е.М. Runova, Yu.N. Alpatov, I.I. Gavrilin. Some features of wood plantings pollutants accumula-tion in the bratsk urban ecosystem
T.V. Gubareva. The study of formation of alkaline metals nitrates in the atmosphere
M.R. Erofeeva, A.D. Sinegibskaya. The rate of domestic waste disposal determination for the town of bratsk
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