№ 4(40), 2018
P.M. Ogar, V.S. Fedorov, A.S. Kozhevnikov, K.N. Figura. Determination of contact sealing pressures at the stage of sealing compounds design
A.V. Romanov, A.S. Gogolevsky, O.N. Neyelova, V.A. Sokolova. Assessment of reliability of special technical systems at the stage of their operation
V.A. Koronatov. Mistake of A. Sommerfeld and the discussion of applicability of holonomic mechanics for rolling problems
A.V. Pitukhin. Evaluation of the possibility of cusp catastrophe occurrence with incomplete statistical information
V.Yu. Popov, A.S. Yanyushkin, P.V. Arkhipov, D.A. Rychkov, D.V. Govorin. Physical models of the formation of the main types of contact interaction in combined electric-diamond machining
N.V. Kravchenko, A.A. Vorobjev, I.N. Spitsyn, L.A. Ochirova. Improving the frame saw designs with the help of mathematical and solid-state modeling methods
S.P. Kruglov, S.V. Kovyrshin. Automatic assistance system for the driver of the car with a trailer based on a smartphone
Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, Nguyen Van Huan. Simulation of synchronization processes and parallel operation of distributed generation plants with a powerful industrial network
I.O. Belsky, I.S. Kupriyanov, A.V. Lukyanov. Research of angular velocity and magnetic field at defects development of asynchronous electric motors
A.S. Ustinov, E.A. Pitukhin. Development of effective fire-protective coatings for specialized forest machines
M.N. Lyutikova, A.A. Konovalov, N.N. Fefilov, A.V. Zagoruiko. Development and testing of the method for identifying the elemental composition of sediments formed in insulating mineral oils during the operation of high-voltage equipment
R.Z. Khairullin, S.I. Zubkov, T.A. Lutskova. Improving the efficiency of measuring equipment
Ar.A. Fedyaev, A.N. Chubinsky, A.A. Fedyaev, N.Yu. Fedyaeva. Energy efficiency analysis of wall elements of prefabricated wooden houses
V.A. Tikhonov, I.V. Ignatiev. To the question of the diagnostic method of converter transformers of an aluminum production enterprise
G.D. Gasparyan, V.V. Pobedinskiy. The dependence of the quality of wood debarking from design parameters of ultrasonic emitters
D.V. Ivanov, A.A. Leonovich. Dicyandiamide and its derivatives as formaldehyde acceptors in the manufacture of wood boards: transformations and effects on strength
М.V. Kolominova, S.A. Korol, Yu.A. Mordvinov. Research of the overall efficiency of logging equipment
Е.G. Sokolova. Substantiation of the modes of bonding veneer in the production of plywood using modified phenol-formaldehyde resin
A.P. Mokhirev, M.O. Pozdnyakova, T.S. Guden. Optimization of timber transportation routes from the cutting area taking into account the seasonality of cargo transportation
E.V. Palkin, T.S. Rozanova. Description of debarking process of round timber and slabs
M.Yu. Vasenev. Diagnostic of equipment for tree harvesting machines with the use of network protocol based on Industrial Ethernet
V.A. Shamaev, O.A. Kunitskaya, I.V. Grigorjev, I.N. Medvedev, D.A. Parinov, S.S. Burmistrova. Wood impregnation with fluids under pressure
I.V. Eliseev, B.М. Shifrin, V.A. Sokolova. Development of logic control systems for automation sawmilling