№ 2(6) май 2010, полн. текст
Огар П.М., Горохов Д.Б. Контактное взаимодействие шероховатых поверхностей: фрактальный подход
Ермошенко Ю.В. Колебательные структуры как дополнительные обратные связи в виброзащитных системах
Ефремов И.М., Фигура К.Н. Процесс распространения колебаний в условиях перемешивания смесей
Шичкина Ю.А. Распараллеливание алгоритма нормализации реляционных отношений
Алпатов Ю.Н., Дриженко А.А. Разработка методики параметрического синтеза
Федяева В.Н. Особенности тепло- и массообмена в каналах технологических установок
Баранов А.Н., Янченко Н.И. Состав атмосферных выпадений в районе г. Братска
Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science
S.V. Еliseev, S.V. Belokobyl’skiy.Additional links in conception of mechatronics of torsional fluctuating systems
S.P. Rykov, V.N. Tarasyuk.Researches of pneumatic tires characteristics. Absorbing ability
P.M. Ogar, D.B. Gorokhov.Contact interaction of rough surfaces: fractal approach
Y.V. Ermoshenko. Oscillation structures as additional feedback in Vibroprotectional systems
I.M. Efremov, K.N. Figura. The process of oscillations distribution in conditions of mixtures hashing
Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems
V.P. Zakarjukin, A.V. Kryukov. Modelling of difficult damages in electric networks on the basis of phase coordinates
P.B. Ryabukhin, N..В. Cozakov, A.N. Burlov. Method of timber industry typification of cutting areas according to natural and industrial conditions (spruce forest of far east federal district as an example)
A.V. Struchkov, A.A. Klimov, T.T. Eresko, V.S. Kochkun. Mathematical model of mechanical transmission dynamics of the bulldozer taking into account dispassive forces
A.S. Larionov, J.A. Zagorul’ko. The conditions of preservation of the sign the cauchy’s function of the second order equation with aftereffect
J.A. Shichkina. Paralleling of the algorithm of normalization of relational relations
V.V. Luzgin, V.V. Panasov, A.M. Patrusova. Research methods of identification and diagnostics of analog industrial targets
J.N. Alpatov, A.A. Drizhenko. Working out of the technique of parametrical synthesis
J.N. Alpatov, V.V. Cherepanov. Mathematical model of f anode effect at aluminium electrolysis
M.A. Prikhod’ko, J.N. Bulatov, I.V. Ignatjev. Working out of the autotune block of automatic regulator of frequency and active capacity (arfac) on the basis of indistinct
Раrt 3. Modern technologies
V.L. Lapshin, N.V. Tel’nov. The separation of mica raw materials on vibrating deck with changing amplitude of fluctuations along deck’s length
V.I. Shastin, S.V. Eliseev. Development of laser technologies. Peculiarities of interaction environment formation
S.M. Kudryashov, A.S.Yanyushkin, V.J. Popov. Use of mineral brines for elimination of the greased layer at the combined electrodiamond processing of fast-cutting steel р6м5
В.N. Fedyaeva. The features of heat and masschanges in the channels of heat technological installations
V.A. Poskrebyshev, A.B. Is’ko, S.S. Arshinov, A.I. Tarnovskiy. The technical decision on decrease in face leaks and losses in the friction in gear pumps
V.A. Poskrebyshev, S.S. Arshinov, A.I. Tarnovskiy. The device for compulsory lubrication delivery to the friction bearings of gear pumps
Part 4. Ecology and nature management
A.N. Baranov, N.I. Yanchenko. Structure of atmospheric fallouts in a city district of Bratsk
A.A. Varfolomeev, A.D. Synegibskaya, N.P. Kosmachevskaya, A.A. Ershov, O.B. Rusina, T.A. Donskaya. Learning of sorption properties of terrestrial peat of Bratsk-region in relation to d-metals
A.N. Baranov, S.G. ShaKhraj, V.V. Korostovenko. Decrease in emissions of fluoric salts at cooling of anode candle ends of aluminium electrolytic tank