№ 1(5) (февраль 2010)
Ермаков А.И. Экспериментальное исследование рессор с вязкоупругими слоями
Мендебаев Т.М., Каржаубаев А.С. Расчет грузов для балансировки коленчатого вала двигателя ЗМЗ-53
Зубов А.В., Зубов Н.В., Стрекопытова М.В. О единственности голоморфного решения
Алпатов Ю.Н. Унистюк С.С. Алгоритмы разложения дробных чисел
Шичкина Ю.А. Построение информационного графа нормализации реляционных отношений
Преснов О.М., Ереско С.П. Методика полевых штамповых испытаний грунтов с длительным замачиванием
Лебедев О.В., Поскребышев В.А. О технологии получения наноматериалов
Васильев С.И., Попов А.С., Ковальский Б.И. Метод и средства контроля ресурса моторных масел
Сташок О.В. Вероятностное моделирование в задачах охраны окружающей среды
Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science
S.V. Belokobyl’skiy, V.A. Koronatov.Research of friction self-excited oscillations of boring column with patial harmonious linearization method
P.M. Ogar,, V.А. Tarasov.Influence of axisymmetric form of load on stressedly-deformed state of elastoplastic half-space
S.V. Eliseev, J.V. Ermoshenko.Possible approaches to change of counterbracing in the systems with two degrees of freedom
А.М. Dolotov, V.I. Molchanov. Calculating methods of durability of worm cylindric gears with caprolone wheels
S.P.Rykov, А.V. Kamnev.Modelling and estimation of non-elastic resistance in automobile springs
А.I. Ermakov.Experimental research of strings with viscoelastic layers
Т.М. Mendebaev, A.S. Karzhaubae.Calculation of load for balancing crankshaft of engine Змз-53
Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems
I.V. Zubov, N.V. Zubov, M.V. Strekopytova. Uniqueness of holomorphic solution
V.P. Zakaryukin, A.V. Kryukov.Equation of settled mode of electropower systems in phase coordinates
G. А. Bol’shanin, L.J. Bol’shanina. Mathematical modeling of settled mode of transmission of constant constituent of electric power on homogeneous site of three-phase trasmission line of three-wire performance
G.V. Kovalenko, N.S. Men’tshikova.Calculation of physical nonlinearity of concrete while acessing change of bending toughness of structures with mixed reinforcement
J.N. Alpatov, S.S. Unistyuk. Algorithms of fractional numbers decomposition
J.А. Shichkina.Designing of information graph of relationals normalization
Part 3. Modern technologies
M.A. Sadovich, A.M. Kuritsyna.The methodical analysis and modeling the processes of corrosion concrete of the northern dams in the places of concentrated filtration
О.М. Presnov, S.P. Eresko.Methods of field stamp tests of soils with long watering
S.I. Vasiljev, S.P. Eresko. Research on strength properties of seasonally frozen soils in siberia and in the north
О.V. Lebedev, V.А. Poskrebyshev. Technology of nanomaterial production
N.А. Lokhova, N.Е. Vikhreva. Microreinforcement wall exterior ceramic products based on high calcium ash carry over
А.N. Sukhikh.Substantiation of technology of application of processing complexes on the enterprises of timber industry
S.I. Vasiljev, A.S. Popov, B.I. Koval’sky.Methods and means of motor oil resource Control
S.А. Semenov, L.F. Gutchinskiy, I.O. Slobodchikov. Efficiency analysis of energo technological unit on the basis of pyrolysis of low quality coal
G.V. Pak, V.K. Elsukov.New technologies of regulation of ventilation efficiency of mill-ventilators
А.S. Yanyushkin. Mechanizm of protective films formation on diamond wheel with metal link
Part 4. Ecology and nature management
E.M. Runova, I.I. Gavrili.Some features of morphometric peculiarities pinus sylvestris l. Needles in the bratsk area of air pollution
О.V. Stashok.Probabilistic modeling in tasks of environmental protection
V.A. Nikiforova, T.G. Pertceva, E.A. Prokhorenko, N.V. Sharova, N.N. Larionova. Eco hygiene of children and teenagers: approaches to prevention and rehabilitation pre-nosological disturbances among children and teenagers