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Механики XXI веку. №16 2017 г.



Маркушев М.В. К вопросу об эффективности некоторых методов интенсивной пластической

деформации, предназначенных для получения объемных наноструктурных материалов//Письма о материалах.

2011. т.1. №1. С. 36-42.


Козулин А.А., Скрипняк В.А., Красновейкин В.А., Скрипняк В.В., Каравацкий А.К. Исследование

физико-механических свойств ультрамелкозернистых магниевых сплавов после интенсивной пластической

деформации // Известия высших учебных заведений. Физика. 2014. Т. 57. № 9. С. 98-104.


Vladimir K., Vladimir S., Alexander K., Olga S. Numerical simulation of severe plastic deformation of

titanium specimens under dynamic channel pressing. Advanced Materials Research. 2014. no. 1040. pp. 107-112.


Markushev M.V., Murashkin


. Structure and mechanical properties of commercial Al–Mg 1560

alloy after equal-channel angular extrusion and annealing. Materials Science and Engineering A. 2004. no. 367. pp.



Loucif A., Figueiredo R.B., Baudin T., Brisset F., Chemam R., Langdon T.G. Ultrafine grains and the

Hall–Petch relationship in an Al–Mg–Si alloy processed by high-pressure torsion. Materials Science and Engineering

A. 2012. no. 532. pp. 139-145.


Москвичев Е.Н., Скрипняк В.А., Лычагин Д.В., Козулин А.А., Скрипняк В.В. Влияние структуры

на сопротивление пластической деформации алюминиевого сплава 1560 после обработки методом прессования

рифлением. Письма о материалах. 2016. Т. 6. № 2 (22). С. 141-145.


Огар П.М., Горохов Д.Б., Соболевский А.А., Чебыкин В.С. Определение параметров упрочнения

материалов для задач упругопластического внедрения сферы // Механики XXI веку. 2016. 15. С. 213-219.

Changes in physical and mechanical properties of the Al-based alloy

1560 caused by severe plastic deformation

Krasnoveikin V.A.


, Skripnyak V.A.


, Moskvichev E.N.,

Kozulin A.A.


, Borodulin D.A.



Tomsk State University, 36, pr. Lenina, Tomsk, Russia


Institute of Strength Physics and Materials Science of SB RAS, 2/4, pr. Akademicheskii, Tomsk, Russia





Aluminum alloy; grain structure; mechanical properties; severe plastic deformation

The influence of severe plastic deformation (SPD) on the physical and mechanical properties of Al-

based alloy 1560 are investigated. SPD-method was realized according to the scheme of equal-channel an-

gular pressing (ECAP). The grain size distribution in coarse grain alloy varied in the range from 4 to 400

µm, and the average grain size was equal to about 50 µm. After four ECAP passes, a more uniform ul-

trafine-grained structure was obtained within the bulk with the average grain size about 3 μm. The average

microhardness of the alloy was increased after treatment by 50 % in the entire volume of the specimens. Ac-

cording to tensile test data, the yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were increased four ECAP passes

by 80 and 44 %, respectively. All experimental data prove that SPD in optimal treatment conditions en-

hances the strength characteristics of structural alloy 1560. The constants of approximating relationships for

the experimental tensile diagrams of the specimens from investigated alloy in as-received and processed

states were determined.