№ 3(15) (ноябрь 2012)
Геллер Ю.А. Влияние режима согласования частот на энергетические показтели разрушения грунта
Полетайкин В.Ф. Динамические нагрузки на гусеничные лесопогрузчики при движении через препятствие
Лобанов Д.В., Ефремов И.М. Экспериментальные исследования процессов вибрационного перемешивания
Алпатов Ю.Н., Ащеулова Д.В. Математическая модель лесного массива в стационарном режиме
Гусейнов Э.М., Гусейнов Р.Э., Гусейнова Н.Э. Расчет и анализ вибронагруженности трелевочной машины
Демидова Т.С., Морина О.М., Майорова Л.П. Исследования температурного режима почв Приамурья
Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science
S.V. Belokobyl’sky, S. V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, I. S. Sitov Lever-type linkages in mechanical circuits. Dynamical aspects
S.P. Rykov, V.N. Tarasyuk, V.S. Koval’ Pneumatic tyres study under complex wheel loading
V.L. Lapshin, A.V. Rudykh, A.V. Glukhov Employing nonlinear viscous and plastic elements in mechanorheological model of a shock process
V.A. Menovshchikov, S.P. Eresko Determination of energy dissipation for homogeneous solids contact interaction under nonstationary loading conditions
V.A. Menovshchikov, S.P. Eresko Determination of energy dissipation for heterogeneous solids under nonstationary loading conditions
Yu.A. Geller Influence of the mode of coordination of frequencies on Power indicators of destruction of soil
V.F. Poletaykin Dynamic load on caterpillar loggers when moving through obstacles
V.D. Butkin, A.V. Mineev, S.I. Vasil’yev Development of new cone drill bits designs to drill under abnormal geological factors
D.V. Lobanov, I.M. Efremov Experimental researches into the vibration mixing processes
Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems
Yu. V. Plankova, Yu. A. Shichkina Ю.В. Quality system modeling as mechanism of improving its indices
A.V. Аndreichuk Seasonal timber industry zoning of the forest blocks using the fuzzy set theory
E.T. Ageeva, N.T. Afanasyev, A.V. Baginov, D.B. Kim, N.I. Mikhaylov Numerical and analytical algorithm of modeling the fluctuations trajectory characteristics of information signal in a communication channel
E.T. Ageeva, N.T. Afanasyev, A.V. Baginov, D.B. Kim, N.I. Mikhaylov Computer modeling of trajectory characteristics of decameter’s radio signal in ionosphere’s communication channel
P.S. Pankratyev, V.A.Shakirov Multiattribute choice of hydroelectric station dam site on Indigirka river, Sakha republic (Yakutia)
Yu.N.Alpatov, D.V.Ashcheulova Mathematical model of forest area in the stationary mode
Раrt 3. Modern technologies
А.А. Fedyaev, D.A. Nagovitsyn Influence of unproductive flows of drying substance оn the quality of sawtimber
A.Yu. Manukovsky, D.A. Makarov, K.S. Podoynitsyn Methods for reducing hydrodynamical resistance to assortment rafts movement while tugging
T.S. Тsareva, Yu.B. Levinsky Influence of additional veneer processing on the quality of combined construction plywood
S.P. Kholodov Frost-protected blind areas rational use for the reduction of shallow foundations swelling deformations
S.V. Denisov, G.P. Plotnikova, N.P. Plotnikov, I.N.Сhelysheva Research of characteristics of off-grade raw materials for wood particleboards manufacture
V.I. Varava, E.M. Guseynov, R.E. Guseynov Influence of coupling parameters and characteristics on the machine-tractor aggregate – bunch vibration load
EM. Guseynov, R.E. Guseynov, N.E. Guseynova Calculation and analysis of skidding machines vibration load
N.A. Lokhova, N.V. Boevа , S.V. Liberovskaya Microporous ceramic walling products on the basis of gas purification dust of ferroalloy production
V.E. Gozbenko, L.G. Evsevleeva, M.S. Kirik Difference of entropy notion in thermodynamics and in systems analysis
Part 4. Ecology and nature management
T.V. Gubareva Environmental problems of atmospheric ozone and radiation physics of alkali halide crystals
KE. Gula, О.М. Morinа, L.T. Krupskaya, VA. Morin Assessment of ecological state of some environmental entities within the tailing pond zone of influence
T.S. Demidovа, O.M. Morinа, L.P. Mayorovа Researches of the priamurye soils temperature conditions
O. V. Ignatenko, M.V. Senchenko, N. A. Meshcherova Zoning of Bratsk settlement areas according to snow mantle pollution level