№ 4(12) (декабрь 2011)
Лапшин В.Л., Рудых А.В., Глухов А.В. Исследование вязкого элемента упруго-вязко-пластичной модели
Уварова Т.Э. Методика определения глубины ледовой абразии
Уварова Т.Э. Вероятностная имитационная модель взаимодействия ледяного покрова с сооружением
Елсуков В.К., Пак Г.В. Секционирование конденсаторов турбин и энергосбережение на ТЭЦ и в котельных
Зубова А.Ф., Зубов И.В., Зубов В.И., Стрекопытов И.С. Вопрос об устойчивости по части переменных
Лузгин В.В., Витковский С.Л. Анализ диагностической информации
- Аннотации опубликованных статей
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Part 1. Issues of Mechanics and Engineering Science
S.V. Belokobylsky, Yu. V. Ermoshenko, V.B. Kashuba, I.S. Sitov, Yu.O. Abrosimova. Dynamical antihunting as an introduction effect of additional couplings
V.L. Lapshin, A.V. Rudykh, A.V. Glukhov. Investigation of the viscous element of a viscous-elastic-soft model
Yu. A. Geller. Causes characterizing the vibrational nature of a ripper operating element equipped with energy storage device
A.A. Akhmadeeva, V.E. Gozbenko. Substantiation of transition from the system with six freedom degrees to the system with two degrees of freedom
P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko. Effect of the hardenable material characteristics on the elastoplastic introduction of a spherical irregularity
P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko. Joint density on elastic contact of rough surfaces considering roughnesses interference
Part 2. Modeling and Control in Mechanical Systems
Yu.N. Alpatov, S.B. Burnashova. Application of mathematical modeling while studying the educational process characteristics
T.E. Uvarova. The technique for glacial abrasion depth testing
T.E. Uvarova. Probabilistic simulation model of the interaction between ice cover and a structure
V.K. Elsukov, G.V. Pak. Turbine capacitors sectioning and energy saving at heat and power plants and boiler-houses
A.F. Zubova, I.V. Zubov, V.I. Zubov, I.S. Strekopytov. Issue on variables stability
V.A. Kozlov, G.A. Bolshanin. Coordinated mode of operation of a homogeneous three-wire transmission line
G.A. Bolshanin, L.Yu. Bolshanina, E.G. Mariyasova. Application of multiterminals theory and matlab system while calculating the results of electric power transportation
V.V. Luzgin, S.L. Vitkovsky. Diagnostic information analysis
S.L. Vitkovsky,V.V. Luzgin. Automation of the process of internal-combustion engine diagnosis forming
Раrt 3. Modern Technologies
I.V .Grigoriyev, V.А. Ivanov, A.I. Zhukova, A.V. Ivanov, M.E. Rudov, F.V. Svoykin. Mathematical model of the maneuvering impact of a moved timber bundle on logging site soil
I.V. Grigoriyev, V.А. Ivanov, A.I. Zhukova, A.V. Ivanov, M.E. Rudov, F.V. Svoykin. Results of the experimental research concerning timber impact on soil under various skidding methods
Yu.V. Sukhanov, Yu.Yu. Gerasimov, A.A. Seliverstov, A. P. Sokolov. Technological chains and machines systems for collecting and processing woody biomass into fuel chips in clear-cutting harvesting by cut-to-lengths
B.D. Valyazhonkov, V.N. Ivashchenko, A.V. Rodionov, A.E. Egipti. Rationale for the selection of rational management distance while operating a forestry unit
N.A. Lokhova, E.G. Borodin, A.S. Tarnovskaya. Technological aspects of ceramic walling production using siliceous wastes containing admixtures regulating structure
V.I. Patyakin, I.V. Kostin, D.A. Iliyushenko. Some issues of debark wastes industrial utilization
A.Yu. Manukovsky, D.A. Makarov, K.S. Podoynitsyn. Methods for reducing hydrodynamical resistance to assortment rafts movement while tugging
G.V. Kovalenko, E.V. Nester. Changeability analysis of physical-mechanical properties of high-strength reinforcement rod produced by different supplier factories
T.V. Gubareva. Features of the crystalline structure of alkali-halide microcrystals after the energy impact on the system of "crystal air"
T.V. Gubareva. Radiographic examinations of alkali halide crystals processed within the crystal-air system
S.I. Vasiliyev. Experimental investigation technique of cutting operation for seasonally frozen soil containing inclusions
S.I. Vasiliyev, V.I. Ivanchura. Numerical simulation of the working procedure of a movable operating element drive of a bucket-wheel trench excavator
Part 4. Ecology and Nature Management
S.A. Zhang, E.M. Runova, O.A. Puzanova, L.A. Zhang. Thickness of pine plantations forest litter under long-term anthropogenic pressure
D.A. Danilov. Commodity composition and quality indices of softwoods undergone thinning and reaching the clear-cutting age
E.V. Popova, L.D. Kopytova, L.S. Yankova, M.V. Oskorbina, V.A. Oskolkov, I.V. Bychkov, G.G. Suvorova. Effectiveness of the coniferous forests assimilating capacity in irkutsk region
A.P. Mokhirev, P.A. Egarmin. Geographic information system of planning of forest resources optimal development
M.R. Erofeeva, A.D. Sinegibskaya. Environmental protection in municipalities at the present stage
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