Механики XXI веку. №16 2017 г.
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Function-specific approach to the system of technological actions
at maintenance and repair of vehicles
Mikhaylov А.N.
, Lukichov А.V.
, Kostenko A.V.
, Sakno O.P.
Donetsk national technical university, Artema Str., 58, Donetsk, DPR
Kamchatka state technical university, Klyuchevska Str., 35, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia
Prydniprovs’ka State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Chernyshevsky Str., 24A, Dnepropet-
rovsk, Ukraine
mntk21@mail.ru, b a_lukichov@mail.ru,c
sakno_olga@mail.ruKeywords: technological action, superficial layer, maintenance, repair, functional-oriented properties
Functional-oriented approach (FOA) to reliability control of vehicles of transport systems (TS) on
the base of technological actions within the framework of the technical service and repair (TSaR) is consid-
ered in the article. Providing of reliability of details during all life cycle depends on both qualities of making
and from quality of the system of TSaR. The functional structure of the TSaR is proposed. The basic, techno-
logical, methodological characteristics of this structure are analyzed, it affects reliability. It is established
that carrying out analysis and synthesis of statistical and experimental data on reliability of individual ele-
ments of the systems and subsystems of vehicles and constituent system of the maintenance system and repair
in the single information field enables to exercise administration their service life and reliability on the basis
of synthesis of the functional-oriented technologies (FOT). The synthesis of FOT on every stage is filled with
new informative maintenance and new elements of structure and route of technological actions. As a result
the hierarchy of FOA develops as a function of time and external environments.