№ 4(24), 2014
S.V. Belokobylsky, S.V. Eliseev. Reduced masses in mechanical oscillatory systems with additional inertial ties
A.V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, E.V. Kaimov. Measuring devices for fixing vibration interaction conditions with uni-lateral constraints
P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, I.B. Fedorov. Substantiation of energy concept of hardness under spherical indentation
S.I. Ponomarev, S.P. Eresko, T.T. Eresko. Solution algorithm for equipping the units-manufacturing technological process in aerospace production
L.A. Bokhoeva, V.E. Rogov, A.S. Chermoshentseva. Determination of critical loads using the energy criterion of stability for the local circular defect
V.G. Radnatarov, V.E. Rogov, L.A. Bokhoeva, D.V. Lobanov. Research of the work of internal-combustion car engine when antifriction additive being used
D.Yu. Kobzov, V.V. Zhmurov, I.O. Kobzova, V.I. Lipetsky, A.A.Trofimov. Stages of technical diagnosing
I.M. Smirnov. Parts classification by сonstruction and technological characteristics
V.S. Sherbakov, M.S. Korytov, E.O. Wolf. Increasing the accuracy and speed of load shifting along required trajec-tory by a bridge load crane
Yu.N. Alpatov, O.V. Buntin, S.S. Unistyuk. Algorithm of expansion of fractional number a/b, if a is an odd number, b is an odd number
A.M. Patrusova, M.V. Sygotina, Yu.V. Plankova, Erik Mooi. Application of information management methods to assess the efficiency of investment IT projects
V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova. Using energy criteria when making decisions in power engineering
Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, Tran Duy Hung. Quality improvement for the electric power of non-traction power consumers by using automatically controlled installations of distributed generation
V.A. Shakirov, A.Y. Artemyev. Technique for considering the influence of cloudiness on the solar radiation flux according to the archives of meteorological stations
I.A. Sysoev. Power level management and control for electrolyzers in aluminium production
V.A. Zavialov, Yu.L. Bekker, R.S. Ulianov, I.A. Shikolenko. Reaching quasinatural light parameters by using au-tomatic light systems based on LED
M.E. Koryagin, A.I. Dekina. Mathematical model for assessing the efficiency of using liquified and compressed natural gas as natural gas motor fuel in agricultural vehicles
V.A. Ershov. Automatic alumina feeding in electrolysis cell with lateral current lead
A.M. Dzhambekov, I.А. Sherbatov. Control of catalytic reforming process based on expert information
R.A. Stepen, V.N. Nevzorov, T.V. Nevzorova. Modernization of fir-tree processing production
L.S. Strizhko, Sh. Bobozoda, A.О. Novakovskaya, I.R. Boboev. Process control and forecasting the leaching of raw materials by using hydroacoustic radiator
E.G. Hitrov, V.E. Bozhbov, D.A. Iliushenko. Calculation of load-bearing capacity for forest potting soils influenced by the wheeled running gears
E.G. Hitrov, G.V. Grigoriev, I.N. Dmitrieva, D.A. Iliushenko. Calculation of a cone index on value of the defor-mation modulus for forest potting soils
L.Yu. Soloviev. Non-linear concrete model based on the plastic flow theory
E.M. Runova, L.V. Anoshkina. Populus balsamifera in landscaping the city of Bratsk
V.A. Nikiforova, O.V. Stashok, A.I. Mendofy, A.A. Nikiforova. Environmental aspects for influence of motor transport on the environment
V.I. Savich, R.F. Baibekov, S.L. Belopukhov, V.A. Raskatov, V.V. Verkhoturov. Information and energy as-sessment of surface water condition
P.V.Byrdin. Mechanized forest nursery with circular field planning
A.Y Zhuk. Hydrodynamic qualities of tree-length logs made of wood with a limited buoyancy
E.I. Prahin, E.V. Ponomareva, M.M. Neznamov, S.I. Vasilev. Solving medical and environmental problems by using modern technologies