A.V. Boldenkova, O.A. LisutinThe cost of housing as a factor of restraining the outflow of labor resources from the Altai territory
N.V. Grokhotova, L.A. Kaverzina, M.I. CherutovaThe economic state of the sanatorium and resort services sector in the Russian Federation: problems and prospects of development
G.V. Gudimenko, V.V. DorofeevaSupport of the backbone enterprises of the region in a crisis
A.N. Dulesov, T.G. Krasnova, T.N. PlotnikovaIntegration as a factor of production development in the regions
M.Yu. Ivanov, V.V. Nadrshin, M.A. Polyachkova, A.V. DerbenevaInformation Technology of Management Decision Support
G. Mabiala, E.V. Trusevich, E.V. Romanyuk, I.V. Bayrakova, D.V. LinskySocio-economic basis for the spatial development of the ecosystem of digitalization of the economy
I.S. Sitov, V.А. Ivanov, M.Yu. Ivanov, V.V. LobovaTheoretical foundations for the creation and development of the activities of economic systems on the example of scientifically-educational centers
S.E. TrofimovRussian oil and gas complex in conditions of new geopolitical and technological challenges
Zhang Yanjie, Yu.A. SkorobogatovaOn the question of choosing funding models for innovative technologies for the chemical processing of coal in China's Inner Mongolia
V.N. Asochakova, Yu.A. OreshkovaFeatures of Orthodox parishes of Khakass-Minusinsk region (the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries)
V.N. Asochakova, A.V. DerovаDevelopment of trade and usury activity in Minusinskin the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries
Z.Yu. Dorzhu, E.L. KiselevaSoviet and Tuvan public figure of Innokenty Safyanov: his life and creativity
I.V. EfremovThe struggle of the prosecutor's office against the distortions of socialist legality in the Soviet countryside during the final stage of collectivization (year 1934)
S.G. Zhambalova . Sobriety zones in small and medium-sized Buryat villages: history and contemporary practice
V.F. IvanovRelocation of the Old Believers-Semey to the banks of the Kurba
A.V. KryukovDynamics of the organizational and production structure of the agricultural sector of the Кrasnoyarsk territory in the second half of the 1960s — the first half of the 1980s
V.V. КudryashovIrkutsk press on the circumstances of the election of a deputy T.O. Belousov and his withdrawal from the Duma Fraction
Е.М. KunzharovGraduates of the Irkutsk Junker School in 1908–1910
Е.V. Lodkina, D.A. Bryukhanova, L.A. ShevchenkoCheremshansk secondary school graduates on the construction of the Bratsk Hydroelectric Power Station
A.Yu. Lokhov, I.E. Eremin, A.V. NatsvinVirtual historical reconstruction of Albazinskaya Resurrection Church
V.N. MaksimovaPublic and household spheres of the Middle Angara region through the perception of residents (1950s-1960s)
N.R. Novoseltsev, A.S. KarelinPhysical education of the population in the USSR in the post-war period (on the example of the Kemerovo region)
E.P. Oleynikov Some aspects of the history of information wars
M.D. Severyanov, L.Y. Anisimova, R.I. Maltsev On the question of class politics in the Yenisei village in 1917-1937
S.A. TiguntsevPhysical culture and sports organizations in the system of education of the Soviet youth in 1960-1970 (based on materials from the Irkutsk region)
L.Yu. Anisimova, M.D. Severyanov, V.I. RuzanovExperience in the deinstitutionalization of social orphanhood in the Krasnoyarsk territory