Issues of Social-Economic Development of Siberia Journal

About the journal

Russian version

The scientific periodic journal “Issues of Social - Economic Development of Siberia” has been published since 2010. It is regionally oriented. Prominent scientists of the Siberian Federal Okrug are the members of the Editorial Board. Editor-in-chief of the journal is Sergey V. Belokobylsky, Rector of BrSU.

There are the prospects of the journal’s being included in “The list of leading scientific journals and publications under review recommended by Supreme Attestation Commission for publication of the principal research results of doctoral and candidate dissertations”.

The following sections are included in the journal:
- Economics, Management, Law;
- History, Political Science;
- Psychology, Pedagogics, Philology;
- Sociology, Philosophy, Culturology.

The journal is published quarterly, its circulation being 200 copies.

All the articles submitted to the Editorial Board are to be subjected to the obligatory reviewing in the relevant scientific board. Average term of publication is up to three months from the date all the materials have been submitted to the Editorial Board.

The articles are published for fee, for post-graduate students it is free of charge.



  eLIBRARY.RU: yes

  RSCI: no

  List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation: yes

  Scopus: no

  CrossRef: yes

  DOI prefix: 10.18324/2224-1833

  DOAJ: no


  Databases: RSCI, CrossRef


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