on scientific periodical journal «Problems of Social and Economic Development of Siberia»

1. General regulations

1.1. Scientific journal «Problems of Social and Economic Development of Siberia» (hereinafter the Journal) is meant for publication of the main results of scientific and technological works, the results of dissertation research for the degree of Doctor and Candidate of Science.

1.2. Publication of the Journal is regulated by federal laws on the media, main legal documents in the sphere of scientific activity, decisions of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education and these Regulations.

1.3. The Founder of the Journal is a State institution of higher professional education «Bratsk State University» (hereinafter FSBEO HPE «BrSU»).

1.4. In order to finance the preparation, publication and distribution of the Journal the Founder can attract funds of individuals and legal entities, as well as of Russian and foreign organizations, extra-budgetary funds in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

1.5. Information and methodological support of the Journal is carried by Departments of the Faculty of Economics and Management and the Faculty of Humanities.

2. The purpose and objectives of the Journal

2.1. The main purpose for publishing the Journal is to promote the development of economic, administrative, humanitarian and pedagogical sciences, to promote the implementation of the results of scientific research into educational, scientific and practical activities on the territory of Siberia and other regions of the country.

2.2. The objectives of the Journal are:
- to reflect the results of scientific research in the field of economic, administrative, humanitarian and pedagogical sciences;
- to publish the materials of scientific conferences, symposia, meetings and information on the activities of Russian and foreign scientific schools;
- to provide transparency and openness when reflecting scientific problematics of research teams of FSBEO HPE «BrSU» and universities in Siberian Federal District;
- to exchange the experience in teaching economic, administrative and humanitarian disciplines;
- to approbate the research results of post-graduate students and applicants for academic degrees and titles.

3. Structure of the Journal

3.1. The Journal publishes author’s final manuscripts reflecting the problematics of economic, administrative and humanitarian sciences in following areas:
- Economics;
- History;
- Pedagogics.

3.2. The Journal may publish information materials related to the activity of FSBEO HPE «BrSU» (columns «Our anniversaries», «Bookshelf» and others).

3.3. The Journal may contain advertising information of no more than 4 pages.

3.4. The Journal does not publish:
- copyrighted material previously published in other printed sources;
- materials that do not meet the subject of the Journal;
- articles that do not contain new information, or are not related to research activity;
- materials of incorrect content.

4. Publication frequency, numeration of the Journal

4.1. The Journal is published four times a year (according to the schedule approved) in Russian and English languages. The volume of the Journal is 200, format is A4, circulation is 200 copies.

4.2. Numeration of the Journal begins with the first issue (current numeration) each year. In addition to the current numeration, there is an ordinal number of the issue from foundation day (gross numeration). Gross number is specified after the current number in parentheses. Dual numeration is retained in all issues of the Journal. The year to which the released issue is related to is pointed next to the numeration.

5. Editorial Board

5.1. General management of the Journal is carried out by the Chief Editor represented by the Rector of FSBEO HPE «BrSU».

5.2. The Chief Editor establishes general strategy of the Journal and number and occupational structure of the Editorial Board, forms its staff.

5.3. In addition to the Chief Editor, the Editorial Board of the Journal includes Deputy Editor, Executive Secretary, members of the Editorial Board, and four Expert Councils on specific branches of subjects of the Journal.

5.4. The right to sign documents that define the activity of the Journal, on behalf of the Founder, belongs to the Rector or under power of attorney to the Deputy Rector for Scientific Activity of FSBEO HPE «BrSU».

5.5. The Editorial Board regulates conditions for publication of scientific papers in the Journal, establishes rules for papers submitted for publication.

5.6. Expert Councils analyze and evaluate papers for compliance with scientific field, requirements for the content and composition of publications, accept and reject materials that do not meet the requirements and rules of submission for publication.

6. Duties of the members of the Editorial Board

6.1. Deputy Chief Editor:
- is responsible for the high scientific level of the Journal and all its constituent parts;
- contributes suggestions to the Chief Editor about changes in the Editorial Board and Editorial Staff, about the wording of the main and changing columns of the Journal;
- at the direction of the Chief Editor of the Journal serves as ad interim Chief Editor during his/her absence;
- follows the current legislation of the Russian Federation, decisions of the Editorial Board and the Chief Editor;
- contributes to the promotion of the Journal on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, its promotion to the ranks of the leading journals in the Russian Federation and abroad;
- participates in the development of moral and material incentives for authors;
- contributes to the promotion of the Journal by means of subscription via the media;
- participates in making the decisions on accepting and rejecting papers submitted for publication in the Journal;
- contributes to the involvement leading scientists and highly qualified specialists in the performance of the work in the Journal.

6.2. Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal:
- participates in making the decisions on accepting and rejecting papers submitted for publication in the Journal;
- contributes to the involvement leading scientists and highly qualified specialists in the performance of the work in the Journal.

6.3. Member of the Expert Council:
- participates in making the decisions on accepting and rejecting papers submitted for publication in the Journal;
- contributes to the involvement leading scientists and highly qualified specialists in the performance of the work in the Journal.

6.4. Executive Secretary of the Journal:
- follows the decisions of the Editorial Board and the Chief Editor of the Journal;
- is responsible for organizing the publication work in the Journal;
- organizes the work on refereeing papers;
- organizes acceptance, registration and storage of incoming materials, electronic typesetting, proofreading of manuscripts;
- organizes meetings of the Editorial Board of the Journal;
- organizes the work on making, registering, storing, and executing contracts with the authors of manuscripts;
- organizes technical cooperation with referees;
- is responsible for following the publication schedule of the Journal at all stages of preparation and circulation;
- maintains economic and financial activities related to the publication of the Journal;
- participates in making the decisions on accepting and rejecting papers submitted for publication in the Journal;
- carries the communication with printing office;
- distributes the Journal;
- maintains statistics on publications, provide this information to the Chief Editor;
- stores the papers submitted for publication and proofread manuscripts within one year after publication in the instalment of the Journal;
- prepares the materials for submission to the authorities related to publishing and distributing the Journal.

7. Rules for submission

7.1. Scientific papers, which are carried out in strict accordance with the established rules of drawing the materials up, are accepted to publication in the Journal.

7.2. All the papers submitted for publication in the Journal are subjected to refereeing (external or internal) by Doctor of Science of an appropriate scientific field which is an indispensable condition for including the paper in the Journal.

8. Refereeing

8.1. All the papers submitted for publication in the journal are subjected to refereeing.

8.2. Refereeing is confidential.

8.3. The decision whether the publication is worth publishing is made by the Deputy Chief Editor or by the Editorial Board in case of need.

8.4. The author of the paper under refereeing is provided an opportunity to familiarize with the referee report (without naming the referee).

8.5. The Editorial board does not enter into negotiations with the author about negative refereeing reports or rejection of a paper.

9. Financing of publishing activity

9.1. Financing for the publication of the Journal is carried out at the expense of extra-budgetary funds of FSBEO HPE «BrSU».

9.3. The subscription cost of the issue is based on the actual costs for the production and distribution of the Journal.

10. Procedure for making changes and additions

10.1. Changes and additions to these Regulations are adopted by the Academic Council of FSBEO HPE «BrSU» and approved by the order of the Rector of FSBEO HPE «BrSU».

11. Procedure of reorganization and liquidation

11.1. The decision on reorganization and liquidation of the Journal is made by the Academic Council of FSBEO HPE «BrSU» and approved by the order of the Rector of FSBEO HPE «BrSU».