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Basic methods of computer animation in engineering
Bondin A.V.
Bratsk State University, 40 Makarenko str., Bratsk, Russia.
molecular dynamics simulation, crystal lattice, particles, atomic radius, Blender, program
code, adaptability
The uniqueness of computer animation based on methods of molecular dynamics lies in the possibil-
ity of its application for modeling both static and dynamic, transient events, in which processes that are im-
possible to observe by any other tools predominate. These methods are used in describing diffusion proc-
esses in impurities and alloys, describing all possible defects in the crystal structure of materials, as well as
phase transformations in a solid under the influence of high temperature and pressure factors. Analysis of
the data obtained with MD-modeling provides a clear picture of the mechanisms of changes in the composi-
tion and structure of materials at the atomistic level, provides the ability to provide information about the
dynamics of the system under study or events that occur for several picoseconds, for example, in atomic col-
lisions "cluster-surface" or the growth of protective films.