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Механики XXI веку. №16 2017 г.


в) решение, полученное из предположения о пропорциональности реакций жесткости

опор, в статически неопределимых симметричных стержневых системах при изгибе, в соче-

тании «изгиб/растяжение», имеет погрешность в сравнении с точным. В связи с этим, необ-

ходимо дальнейшее изучение влияния жесткости опор в стержневых системах при изгибе.



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Фабричная К.А., Абдрахимова Н.С., Альтапов С.Р. Особенности моделирования каркаса здания с

учетом податливости узлов сопряжения при ветровых воздействиях // Известия КГАСУ. 2016. № 4 (38). С.255 –



Горунович С.Б. Об одном из способов раскрытия статической неопределимости в симметричных

конструкциях // Труды Братского Государственного Университета. 2009. Т.2. С.84 – 89.


J. García de Jalón, M.D. Gutiérrez-López. Multibody dynamics with redundant constraints and singular

mass matrix: existence, uniqueness, and determination of solutions for accelerations and constraint forces // Multibody

System Dynamics. 2013. V.30. №3. P.311–341.

Constraint redundancy disclosure in symmetric rod structures taking

into account constraint compliance

Gorunovich S.B.

Ust-Ilimsk thermal power plant, Public company “IRKUTSKENERGO”, Ust-Ilimsk, 666684, Russian Federa-



symmetric rod structure, constraint redundancy

In this study we present a summary of characteristics of existing methods of constraint redundancies

disclosure in rod structures. The excessive complications of existing analytical calculations and the depend-

ence of those results from taken analysis models we brought into view. We revealed that one of the factors,

influencing the analysis model perfection, is whether constraint compliance was taken into account or not.

So we

show the alternative simplified method of disclosure constraint redundancies on the symmetric rod

structure strength calculation example, taking into account the constraint compliance. We discovered the

internal force value dependence of the distance from the point of application of load force in symmetric rod

structures with constraint redundancies (including beams under longitudinal and transverse bending). The

internal force value dependence of constraint compliance is also revealed. All dependences are confirmed by

calculation examples. We underlined the relevance of the proposed simplified method presenting more com-

plex structure examples. We made the conclusion about the possibility of using alternative way of constraint

redundancy disclosure in the symmetric rod structures under tension and bending. However, further re-

search on simplified methods of strength calculations, taking into account constraint compliance in symmet-

ric beam structures is necessary.