№ 3(7), июль 2010, полный текст.
Елисеев С. В., Логунов А. С. Мехатроника пневматических виброзащитных систем
Шевцов С. М., Ереско С. П. Измерительные преобразователи вибрационных процессов
Ереско А. С., Ереско С. П. Оптимизация проектных параметров гидропривода строительных машин
Алпатов Ю. Н., Платошечкин Е. А. Расчет параметров математической модели объекта управления
Gubareva T.V. Perchlorate in the environment: natural occurrence
Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science
S.V. Eliseev, A.S.Logunov. Mechatronics of pneumatic vibration isolation systems
S. P. Rykov, V.S. Koval. Researches of the output characteristics of pneumatic tyres.
Smoothing property
A.M. Dolotov, Y.I. Belogolov. Survey of the methods of unloading valve spindle from sealed surroundings
I.M. Efremov, K.N .Figura. Features of application physical modelling method to calculation of beton mixing vessel
S.M. Shevtsov, S.P. Eresko. Measuring converters of vibrating processes
D.Y. Kobzov, V.V. Zhmurov, I.O. Kobzova. Effect of radial displacement of the primary elements of the hydraulic cylinder packing units on its sealing property
D.Y. Kobzov, V.V. Zhmurov, I.O. Kobzova. Effect of the counterface surface condition on sealing property of the hydraulic cylinder packing units
A.S. Eresko, S.P. EreskoА.С. Optimization of hydraulic drive design objectives of construction site engines
Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems
Y.N. Alpatov, I.V. Borisenko. Writing strategy of control system functional diagram by the table of the interaction of characteristics
Y.N. Alpatov, E.A. Platoshechkin. Calculation of the characteristics of the mathematical model of control object
G.A. Bolshanin, L.U. Bolshanina, E.G. Maryasova. The problem of the wave theory of electric power transmission on transmission lines
Y.A. Shichkina. Combination method of multiparametric optimization of weighted information graph
M.E. Koriagin. Optimization of mathematical model of the public transport in the conditions of the conveyance option
Раrt 3. Modern technologies
A.S. Yanushkin. D.V. Lobanov, V.A. Bataev, P.V. Archipov, O.I. Medvedeva. Researches of working capacity of the diamond circles when processing compound material
K.E. Lisitskiy, A.V. Strumeliak. Development of estimated accuracy method of standard ways of flicker measurement when using the alternative light sources
A.N. Baranov, I.G. Gamayunov, E.N. Dadonov, E.N. Cherenkov. Enhancement of aluminium electrolyzer working life by application on a bloom carbon-bearing composition coating
G.D. Gasparian. Conceptional modeling of the technology of the timber bark stripping using ultrasound
A.A. Zinoviev, N.V. Dvorianinova. Application of the mathematical methods in the technology of masonry mortars with addition from the local technological feed stock
S.I. Vasiliev, V.M. Melkozerov. Research of the operational characteristics of carbamide porous foam as heat insulation materials to protect from the climatic frost penetration
V.M. Melkozerov, S.I. Vasiliev, A. Ia. Velp, R.N. Krilishkin. Effective abandonment of emergency of oil spill and oil products by the application of the current technologies and polymer sorbate
Part 4. Ecology and nature management
/V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova. Joint research of the thermodynamic efficiency and ecological compatibility of the technical projects
T. I. Matveenko, A. A. Cherentsova. Accumulation of natural radioactive substances by a soil-vegetative cover in the zone of influence of a warehouse of ashes and slag of the khabarovsk thermal power station-3
O.M. Morina, T.S. Demidova, L.P. Maiorova. The role of temperature dynamics in the khabarovsk territory in the diagnostic purposes
Т.V. Gubareva. Perchlorate in the environment: natural occurrence
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