№ 3(11) (август 2011)
Анахин В.Д., Баертуева Е.Т. Дизайн и режим работы транспортно-технологического устройства
Кобзов Д.Ю., Кобзова И.О., Лханаг Д. Расчет направляющих качения гидроцилиндра
Трофимов А.Н. Об оценке свойств рычажных динамических гасителей
Осипов В.М. Точечные модели задач Коши для n-мерных линейных дифференциальных уравнений
Ермаков А.А. Модель комплексного применения методов поиска отказа в техническом объекте
Зубов С.В., Стрекопытова М.В., Дутов С.А. Операция сдвига и общая методика исследования устойчивости
Авдеева М.Б., Зубов А.В., Зубова О.А., Петрова В.А. Устойчивость и оптимальность управляемых систем
Мухопад А.Ю. Структурные методы повышения надежности автоматов управления
Иванов В.Г. Моделирование накопления случайных ошибок в нивелирном ходе
Губарева Т.В. Перхлорат в окружающей среде: естественное возникновение
- Аннотации опубликованных статей
- Сведения об авторах
Part 1. Issues of Mechanics and Engineering Science
S.V. Belokobylsky, L.A. Mamaev, S.N. Gerasimov, V.S. Fedorov, R.M. Farzaliev. Determina-tion of smoothing capacity of disk operating element equipped with smoothing disk additional cir-cular motion
A.A. Klimov, A.V. Struchkov. Probability–statistic regularity regression analysis of bulldozer out-put characteristics
I.M. Efremov, D.V. Lobanov, K.N. Figura, I.V. Komarov. Advanced concrete mixing equipment in the aspect of research methods for concrete mixtures mechanical activation while intensifying the mixing processes
V.D. Anakhin, E.T. Baertueva. Conveying and sorting devices design and type of operation
A.V. Mineev, N.D. Bulchaev. Methods for electrical centrifugal pump resistance while transporting suspension-containing liquids
D.Yu. Kobzov, I.O. Kobzova, D. Lkhanag. Calculation of hydrocylinder linear bearing
D.Yu. Kobzov, A.Yu. Kulakov, D. Lkhanag. On the hydrocylinder border diagnosis according to the bearing capacity parameters
А.N. Trofimov. On the evaluation of the lever dynamical absorbers properties
P.M. Ogar, A.A. Burnin, E.A. Klyuchev. Thickness of a circular section gasket ring lubricating film adjusted for pre-squeezing
Part 2. Modeling and Control in Mechanical Systems
V.M. Osipov. Cauchy problem point models for n-dimensional linear differential equations
V.P. Zakaryukin, A.V. Kryukov, M.S. Shulgin. Accuracy enhancement of power loss assessment in high-voltage transmission lines
Yu.N. Alpatov, S.B. Burnashova. Topological model of the educational process for the study of "Information Security and Data Protection" discipline
A.A. Ermakov. Model of the complex application of fault search methods in a hardware design
G.A. Bolshanin, L.Yu. Bolshanina, E.G. Mariyasova. Characteristics of electric power propaga-tion over a three-wire power line
S.V. Zubov, M.V. Strekopytova, S.A. Dutov. Shift operation and the general stability research technique
M.B. Avdeeva, A.V. Zubov, O.A. Zubova, V.A. Petrova. Stability and optimality of controllable systems
A.Yu. Mukhopad. Stuctural methods for automatic machines operation reliability improvement
Yu.N. Bulatov, I.V. Ignatiev, A.A. Starodubtsev. Technique for improving the intersystem ties stability margin of electric power systems
V.A. Osipova, G.B. Danykina. Increase of computer simulators-based training effectiveness for technological processes operators
Раrt 3. Modern Technologies
A.N. Evdokimov, S.I. Vasiliev, V.G. Zhurbin. Analytic test of penetration resistance into frozen soil
Y.Y. Gerasimov, A.P. Sokolov, V.S. Syunev. Optimization of industrial and fuel wood supply chain associated with cut-to-length harvesting
T.V. Gubareva. Absorption spectrums of alkali halide crystals following the radiolysis of «crystal-air» system
S.V. Denisov, G .P. Plotnikova, N.P. Plotnikov. Parameter optimization of technological process in wood particleboards manufacturing
N.V. Belyaeva, O.I. Grigorieva, T.A. Ishchuk. Impact of different intensity off-lumbering on wood sorrel spruce forest overall efficiency
V.G. Ivanov. Modeling of random errors accumulation in the grade line
A.N. Baranov, L.V. Gavrilenko, A.V. Morenko, A.A. Blashkov, C.I. Pentyukhin. Research of the possibility of calcium compounds application for fluorine recovery out of gas purification solu-tions in electrolysis aluminium processing
Part 4. Ecology and Nature Management
V.A. Nikiforova, T.G. Pertseva, E.A. Prokhorenko, N.V. Sharova, N.N. Larionova, A.A. Niki-forova. Ecological hostility effect on students' hemodynamic indices
I.I. Gavrilin, E.M. Runova. Snow mantle pollution in the city of Bratsk as an indicator of the ur-ban ecosystem state
S.I. Vasiliev, V.M. Melkozerov, A.Ya. Velp, L.N. Gorbunova, G.S. Sanacheva, A.S. Fedotova. Technique of sorption and biological cleaning of biosphere from oil products pollution
T.V. Shylkova, D.Z. Syibkova. Adaptative changes in the laboratory animals blood system under nonionizing radiation
T.V. Gubareva. Perchlorate in the environment: natural emergence
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