S.A. Astafiev, G.V. Khomkalov, A.S. Astafiev, P.S. Astafieva Gross urban product as a tool for
forecasting socio-economic development in the development of master plans of cities and agglomerations
A.V. Boldenkov, O.A. Lisutin The standard of living as a fundamental factor in the migration outflow
of the population from the Siberian Federal District
O.V. Gladkikh, E.Yu. Vikulova, O.P. Ovdina Assessment of the state and determination of business development prospects in the consumer market of Chita
N.A. Goncharova, A.Yu. Kobzov, T.M. Levchenko Triggers in the management of an economic entity as
a tool to increase the efficiency of activities
N.N. Danilenko, T.A. Kondratskaya, E.A. Shagina, E.D. Cherkasova Broadening the spectrum and improving the process of providing paid health services for children (on the example of the Pediatrics Clinic "Neuron", Irkutsk)
A.N. Dulesov, T.G. Krasnova, T.N. Plotnikova Strategic features of regional development in modern conditions
T.I. Kubasova, I.V. Kudenko On the role of infrastructure projects in housing construction in the context
of the formation of a new economic model of sustainable growth in Russia
S.Yu. Kutsenko, I.A. Kutsenko Economic mechanism for supporting small agricultural business
in modern conditions
E.L. Prokopjeva, S.F. Seligeev Digital ecosystems in Russia: competitiveness, risks, prospects
E.A. Sladkova, N.A. Goncharova Development of the Russian advertising market
A.M. Tankov, Yu.A. Kuznetsova Characteristics of the demographic space of the Siberian Federal District
M.I. Cherutova, E.V. Trusevich Problems of enterprise capital management, assessment of its structure
and cost
N.P. Shishkinа, S.N. Rodionova Regional features of the development of animal husbandry in the Trans-Baikal territory
L.Yu. Anisimova Higher education reform in the first half of the 1980s – early 1990s
V.N. Vorontsov From formation to disbandment: the combat path of the 116th Rifle Division in 1942–1946
O.M. Dolidovich, E.N. Starovoitova Professional firefighting in the town of Minusinsk, Yenisei province
(XIX — XX centuries)
O.V. Kudashkina The role of Soviet scientists in the implementation of the principles of state policy on autochthonous population of the North, Siberia and the Far East in the 1980s
P.A. Novikov, T.A. Sokolovskaya The development of the gendarmerie in Siberia (a brief overview)
T.V. Palikova, E.N. Khantakova Natural science education at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics
of Kazan University at the end of the 19th century
V.B. Rusakov Elements of the accusatory process at the stage of formation of law in the ancient world. Evolution of the accusatory process in the history of the development of criminal justice in Russia
M.D. Severyanov, D.N. Gergilev Russian ethno-federalism and some of its problems
L.А. Shevchenko, Е.V. Lodkina, D.A. Bryukhanova Tunguska meteorite: the history of the study
of the problem
А.V. Shchuka The history of geological exploration in the Irkutsk region during the period of 1920 -1991 (historiographic review)
V.A. Yarovikova The relationship between the state and the peasantry in the restructuring of agriculture during the period of continuous collectivization (based on the materials of the Altai village)
L.M. Salakhova, S.L. Shakherova The memory of the great reformer: at the origins of imperial
A.V. Seden About political repressions in the Tuvan People's Republic in 1921–1944