I.G. Akchurina, D.G. Tereshina. Analysis of the implementation of state and municipal programs of healthcare industry development (by the example of Bratsk)
V.N. Berdnikova. On the issue of providing the population with affordable standard housing
D.V. Bekhterev. Theories of life cycle in the management of monotowns
D.A. Gercekovich, O.L. Podlinyaev, A.V. Tonkikh, O.V. Kaverzina. The formation of the strategy of the development of investigative policy of economic subjects on the basis of the empirical models
V.V. Dorofeeva, N.G. Zlenko. Theoretical and practical aspects of the influence of culture on the style of negotiations
L.A. Kaverzina, T.I.Кubasova. Рroblems of implementation of innovative activities in construction
L.V. Kleymenova, A.I. Peshko. Planning the number of employees of local governments (by the example of Bratsk)
S.A. Kravtsova, N.L. Lobanova. Recycling fee: budget replenishment or ensuring environmental safety?
S. Makhlouf. Development of a conceptual framework for sustainable progress of developing countries, taking into account the impact of globalization
V.A. Ogloblin. Improving the management tools of industrial enterprises
T.N. Plotnikova, T.B. Konyakhina, A.N. Dulesov, E.B. Solomonova. Life cycle of the housing market
E.V. Trusevich, M.A. Dubrovina, O.V. Efremova. Municipal targeted programs: implementation problems and improvement areas
P.V. Kharitonova, E.I. Lukovnikova, A.M. Patrusova. The problem of interpreting the concept "human capital"
E.I. Kharlampenkov, I.A. Kudryashova. Modern aspects of increasing labor productivity in Kuzbass coal industry
М.I. Cherutova, O.K. Slinkova. Features of the formation of a financial model of a commercial organization
N.Y. Artamonova. National struggle in the cultural heritage of the indigenous peoples of the republics of Tyva and Khakassia: a historiographical review
I.B. Batueva. To the history of the development of Lamaism in the eastern outskirtsof the Russian Empire in the XVII - early XX centuries
E.N. Benevalenskaya. Localhistorymovement of schoolchildren in the Altai in the second half of the 1940s – the first half of the 1980s
E.P. Ekimov. History of Verkhneudinsk photography (late XIX - early XX centuries)
L.B. Zhabaeva. To the question of political portrait of Еlbek-Dorji Rincino – the leader of the national democratic movement of the Mongolian peoples
S.G. Zhambalova. The daily life of Arats of Mongolian People's Republic in the context of socialist modernization
T.G. Karchaeva, Yu.V. Elteko. Organization of election campaigns in the village councils of Eastern Siberia in the early 1920s (on materials of the Yenisei province)
D.M. Mansheev. The role of sedentary agriculture in nomadic societies
N.A. Osadchaya, G.M. Lushchaeva. The development of preschool education in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in 1945–1984
E.V. Semenov. Polish political exiles at the Petrovsky Iron Works in the 60s of the XIX century
A.A. Sleptsova. The Yakuts and Buryats’ ritual serge poles: existence and functions