№ 3(59), 2023
A.V. Eliseev, N.K. Kuznetsov.The concept of a generalized lever in assessing the dynamic states of mechanical oscillatory systems under conditions of connected vibration loads
N.K. Kuznetsov, I.A. Iov, A.A. Iov, E.S. DolgikhParametric optimization of the digging mechanism of a mining excavator according to a given dynamic coefficient
I.N. RyzhikovStudy of vibrations of model blisks of aircraft gas turbine engine with mistuning
D.A. Rychkov, D.V. Lobanov, P.V. Arkhipov.Wear resistance of a cutting tool equipped with an especially fine-grained hard alloy when milling fiberglass
A.V. Sinegub, M.V. Chernikova, E.V. Fogt Concept of an osteointegration system for a hip exoprosthesis with a neuro-muscular interface
P.A. Lontsikh, E.Yu. Golovina, N.P. Lontsikh, A.V. Fedotova Risk management based on diakoptic methods in the synthesis of vibration-active equipment at a high-tech enterprise
D.А. Shnaider, P.V. Tatanov, А.R. Yanyushkin The effect of high tempering and residual austenite on the characteristics of tool steel
S.K. Kargapoltsev, V.E. Gozbenko, R.S. BolshakovOn the issue of assessing the presence of residual stresses in aluminum plates
Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, K.V. Suslov, V.V. KizhinApplication of distributed generation to improve the quality of electricity in railway power supply systems in mountainous areas
Yu.I. Belenky, A.V. Teppoev, B.M. Lokshtanov, T.A. Guseva, V.A. Ivanov, О.А. PuzanovaOn the issue of accounting for technological chips
A.A. Pobedinsky, V.V. Pobedinsky, S.N. Kokoshin, D.S. ChesnovaThe influence of cutting methods for pine sawlogs on lumber parameters
E.F. Hertz, A.V. Mekhrentsev, A.F. Urazova, A.V. Soldatov, N.N. Terinov, S.V. Zalesov, V.V. PobedinskySubstantiation of the length of sawn assortments during thinning
R.N. Kovalev, I.M. Enaleeva-Bandura, A.N. Baranov, I.V. Grigoriev, S.A. Brovkin, S.N. MartynovskayaOptimization model of the process of transporting wood raw materials in mixed traffic
N.R. Galyavetdinov, R.R. Safin, G.F. Ilalova, A.A. ProkopievInvestigation of physical and mechanical characteristics of composites with wood flour filler
S.V. Chenushkina, I.N. Kruchinin, E.R. Akhtyamov, A.G. Gorokhovsky, E.E. ShishkinaImproving methods for monitoring the transport and operational condition of forest roads in the summer and winter seasons using digital technologies
V.A. Timofeev, A.V. Skrypnikov, Yu.Yu. Volodina, A.S. Karpov, A.S. Bezruk, P.O. Romanov, А.Yu. ZhukClassification of structural heterogeneities of reinforced soils of logging roads
V.G. Sotnikov, A.N. Zagirov, D.A. Guryanov, K.A. Lankin, A.R. Khabibullina.Overview of existing installations for the production of pyrolysis fuel
S.N. Dolmatov, P.G. Kolesnikov, Ya.S. Makunina. Study of mechanical strength indicators of the teeth of the working body of a forest mulcher
A.V Safina, L.Yu. Ismailov, R.R. SafinStudy of water-alcohol extracts of sea buckthorn leaves obtained by the method of preliminary freezing of raw materials
V.A. SokolovaDevelopment of an algorithm for optimizing technological parameters of protective and decorative finishing of wood using ultrasonic processing
S.M. Bazarov, V.A. Sokolova, Yu.I. Belenky, S.A. UgryumovMovement of a low-viscosity liquid in the porous and capillary structure of wood material