№ 4(50) (2022)



N.N. Aleksandrova, N.V. Meller, I.Yu. Nekrasova. Analysis of the state of housing and communal services of the Tyumen region

A.S. Afanasiev, N.A. Goncharova, V.N. Berdnikova.Real estate as an investment asset at the present stage of development of the Russian economy

A.V. Boldenkov, O.A. Lisutin.Renewable energy sources as a factor in the economic development of the Altai territory

E.Yu. Vikulova, O.V. Gladkikh.Current issues of quality assurance in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs

A.N. Dulesov, T.G. Krasnova, T.N. Plotnikova.Features of the assessment of the integration potential of the regions

A.B. Kogan, A.S. Evdokimenko, A.A. Chaetsky.Pricing and its relationship to the financial and spatial aspects of construction

I.A. Kudryashova, E.I. Kharlampenkov, А.V. Loginova.Innovative tools for the development of medicine in the coal mining region

S.N. Leonov.Formation of budget revenues of the Far Eastern Subjects of the Russian Federation in the context of the coronavirus pandemic

Mabiala Gilbert, I.V. Bayrakova, D.V. Linskiy, E.V. Trusevich, E.E. Shamilevа.Population aging factor and its role in the socio-economic processes in Russia

O.A. Nemchinov, A.S. Kosach.Customer focus as the basis for increasing the competitiveness of the airline

E.L. Prokopjeva, I.A. Bychkova.Risks of agricultural development in the region and methods of their management (on the example of the Republic of Khakassia)

M.I. Cherutova, L.A. Kaverzina.The method of project financing of real investments as an investment management tool at large industrial enterprises

Zh.P. Shnorr.Regional aspects of tourism development in modern conditions

Zhang Yanjie, A.F. Shupletsov.Prerequisites for the formation of a mechanism for introducing innovative technologies, artificial intelligence in the coal chemistry complex of Inner Mongolia of China


L.Yu. Anisimova, I.V. Plushch, M.D. Severyanov.The ambiguity of cultural construction оn the example of Khakassia in the 1920s

V.V. Babakov, I.B. Batueva.The struggle for the leadership of the Buryat national movement in 1917. The phenomenon of "dual power

A.L. Bayartuev.The main directions of scientific and medical research of the MPR based on the materials of the dissertation fund of the CSML

A.S. Breslavsky.Transformation of the employment patterns in the regions of the Far East in the 1990s -2010s

L.A. Zaitseva, O.V. Zhimbueva.Technical equipment of Buryat-Mongolia agriculture during the Great Patriotic War

S.V. Kirichenko, M.N. Baldano.Urbanization and everyday life of Verkhneudinsk/Ulan-Ude Urbanites (late 1920s-1930s): transition from rural to urban environment

V.V. Kudryashov, V.N. Maksimova.The development of the railway network in Siberia at the beginning of the XX century: discussion aspect (based on the materials of the magazine "Sibirskie Voprosy")

A.Yu. Lokhov, I.E. Eremin, A.V. Natsvin.Factual substantiation of the location of the Albazinsky Spassky Monastery

T.V. Palikova, A.A. Kvach. «Topical problems» of Troitskosavsk in the early 1920s and the ways of their solution by the city government

M.V. Panyukhin.The etymology of the name of the Atalongskaya archeological site on the Ilim river (the Middle Angara region)

O. I. Savin, E. I. Andreeva.Evolution of practices of socio-economic assistance to orphanages in the Krasnoyarsk territory in the 1920s - 1950s

A.N. Soboleva.The practice of «red rituals» as an element of the Soviet everyday life in the 1920s (on materials of Buryat-Mongolian ASSR)

L.A. Shevchenko, E.V. Lodkina, D.A. Bryukhanova.Formation of women's public organizations in Bratsk

V.V. Shokhirev, V.A. Chirkov.Physical education of children in Russia at the beginning of the XX century

M.P. Yatsenko, N.R. Novoseltsev, A.S. Baturin, I.A. Pfanenshtil.History of road transport organization in the Kemerovo region in 1946–1965


G.A. Tsykunov."Farewell to Matyora" in a historical study