N.V. Brit. Improving the organizational structure of higher education institutions
N.V. Grokhotova. The fiscal role of property tax on individuals: current practice and short-range prospects
V.V. Dorofeeva, A.Yu. Khivrich. Influence of exogenous factors on the imperatives of the development of domestic enterprises
E.G. Kopalkina, N.V. Iltakova. On measures to promote employment in the regional labor market in emergency situations (by the example of the spread of COVID-19)
V.M. Korneeva, S.V. Pupentsova. Modern methods of enterprise risk management
A.S. Kostarev. Experience in developing and implementing an innovation development strategy at «SUEK-Khakasia» LLC for the period from 2009 to 2019
N.V. Meller, I.Yu. Nekrasova. The logical model for assessing the competitiveness of a construction organization: theory and practice
N.G. Novikova. Strategic aspects of the development of retail formats in modern competition
N.G. Novikova, L.A. Kaverzina. Tendencies for the development of competition factors in the management of apartment buildings
A.V. Peshkov. Development of the organizational and economic mechanism for the introduction of smart-space in the business processes of a construction organization
E.V. Romanyuk, E.V. Trusevich. Status and risks of the development of the digital economy in Russia
M.V. Sygotina, A.M. Patrusova. Application of management principles in solving problems of cost optimization when managing a higher education institution
N.S. Khokhlova. On the issue of procedures for the development and implementation of strategic planning documents for the development of district municipalities
N.Ya. Artamonova. School Indigenous Policy and national teaching staff training during the years of World War II
Ts.P. Vanchikova. Folklorist S.P. Baldaev and storyteller P.M. Tushemilov: life and work
A.A. Ermakova, N.N. Lebedeva. Aron Markovich Gindin — an outstanding engineer, scientist and teacher
S.А. Кiryutkin, V.A. Kudashkin, L.A. Shevchenko. Public organizations of the indigenous peoples of the Krasnoyarsk territory and the Irkutsk region and the national intelligentsia in the 2000s
Е.М. Kunzharov, О.V. Kudashkina. The economic crisis of the late 1916 — early 1917 in the materials of the newspaper «The Siberian Life»
M.D. Sever'yanov, V.A. Knaub, L.Yu. Budanova. The contribution of the Krasnoyarsk 29th Separate Division of Armored Trains to the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War
S.A. Safronov. B.A. Vasilchikov as a head of land management and agriculture (1906–1908) and his trip to Siberia in 1907
A.V. Shalak. Kolchak counterintelligence on the situation in the rear