№ 4(34) 2018



I.G. Akchurina, D.G. Tereshina. State and prospects of development of the system of state and municipal management of the healthcare industry: the use of technology targeted program budgeting in industry management

G.Ya. Belyakova, N.V. Faskevich, A.N. Dulesov. Coal industry development management in the regional market

G.Ya. Belyakova, T.N. Plotnikova, A.A. Myullerson. Cluster development potential of the industrial sector of the region

V.V. Dorofeeva. Modern methods of financing the activities of innovative enterprises

V.V. Dorofeeva. Methodical approach to the assessment of the strategic competitiveness of an industrial enterprise

V.Yu. Konyukhov, A.A. Ryazanova. The relevance of small innovative enterprises creation for innovation development in the regions of Siberia

V.V. Kopein, Е.А. Filimonova, I.A. Kudryashova, N.V. Zakharova. Renovation of the power industry as a factor of economic security of mining regions (on the example of the Kemerovo Region)

L.Yu. Kriklevskaya. Assessment of population satisfaction with the organization of regular passenger traffic in the Trans-Baikal Territory

T.N. Plotnikova, A.N. Dulesov, T.B. Konyakhina. Marketing approach to the development of engineering education

D.K. Polyakov, S.V. Pupentsova, T.P. Nekrasova . World and domestic experience in redevelopment of territories

E.V. Romanyuk, E.V. Trusevich, O.S. Oleksyuk. Improving the motivational mechanism of management of an enterprise staff

E.V. Trusevich, E.V. Romanyuk, A.V. Trukhina. Strategic development of a commercial enterprise in modern economic conditions

P.V. Kharitonova. The problem of assessing the intangible resources of the enterprise and its solutions


M.N. Baldano. The Great Tea Road: history of formation and revival prospects

S.B. Bolkhosoev. Reconstruction of the early ethnic history of the Buryat tribe named Ekhirit based on ethnonymy and oral tradition

P.K. Varnavskiy. Indigenization in Buryat-Mongolia: how was ethnicity implemented into the Soviet modernist project?

D.N. Gergilev, O.N. Kukis. Legislative regulation, structure and functions of the Office of the Yenisei Provincial Administration in 1822–1845

E.A. Grigoryeva. Cultural needs and interests of the population in the 1990s – early 2000s (on the materials of the Krasnoyarsk territory)

B.R. Zoriktuev. On the little-known aspects of the ethnic history of the Khori

I.G. Karpova. The influence of the collectivization on the economic development of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR in the Soviet and Russian Historiography

A.S. Kovalev, E.N. Garin, M.P.Yatsenko. Medical and labor expert examination in the 1920-1930s (on the materials of Western Siberia)

A.S. Kovalev, Е.Е. Kushnarenko, A.A. Terskova, M.P. Yatsenko. Congresses of industrialists as the main form of representative organizations of the bourgeoisie in the Yenisei province in the pre-revolutionary period

V.V. Kudryashov. Victor Mandelberg: becoming a revolutionary

M. Yu. Kuznetsov. Internal guard in Eastern Siberia in 1816 - 1864

K.M. Yakovleva, A.N. Prokopjeva. Jewelry from AtDabaan burial ground


G.A. Tsykunov. Does the revolution have an end?