№ 2(48) (2022)



S.A. Astafiev, G.V. Khomkalov. The role of initiative budgeting and collaborative design in increasing the comfort of the urban environment

S.A. Bakhmatov, M.N. Stepanova. Social insurance in the context of improving financial literacy of the population

A.V. Boldenkov, O.A. Lisutin. Agriculture as an integral part of the economy (on the example of the Altai Territory)

E.Yu. Buneeva, D.A. Gercekovich, E.A. Zinchuk. Spatial and structural analysis of prices in the Russian housing market with basic portfolio theory tools

D.Yu. Vyazhev, O.V. Tishchenko. Cryptocurrency as an object of civil law regulation

O.V. Gladkikh, S.A. Kravtsova. Development of the brand of a regional university as a factor in restraining the outflow of applicants from the Trans-Baikal Territory

N.A. Goncharova, O.I. Levchenko, T.M. Likhtanskaya, A.S. Afanasiev. Implementation of the institute of mentoring as one of the priority directions for the development of the organization's personnel management system

G.V. Guseva. Formation of a mechanism for integrated development of residential area in the region

S.A. Kravtsova, M.S. Matuzova. Comparative analysis of the activities of regional customs administrations in the Russian Federation

T.G. Krasnova, A.N. Dulesov, T.N. Plotnikova , E.I. Lukovnikova. Impact of labor potential on the region’s economy

T G. Krasnova, A.S. Kostarev, A.N. Dulesov. Strategic management of coal mining companies in conditions of instability

T.A. Kondratskaya, M.D. Ishchenko. Presentation of innovation in product promotion

T.I. Kubasova, N.G. Novikova, N.V. Polyakova. Infrastructure bonds as housing infrastructure financial tool

A.A. Mayorov, E.L. Prokopieva. Organizational and economic problems of the implementation of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for work and defense" movement in the mass sports system: regional aspect

Sukhareva I.A., Tretyakova O.S., Mabiala Gilbert, Trusevich E.VStrategic healthcare management system formation and its implementation in the republic of Crimea

P.V. Kharitonova. The impact of digital economy on the development of the transport industry

E.A. Shagina, A.V. Zhurova. Features of promotion of entertainment industry services

N.P. Shishkinа, O.V. Gladkikh. Problems and prospects of small business development in the Trans-Baikal Territory


N.Y. Artamonova. Sanitary and anti-epidemic provision of the population of the Khakass Autonomous Region during the Great Patriotic War

I.V. Efremov. On the fight against distortions of socialist legality in the course of collectivization and dispossession in the Soviet countryside in 1930

A.S. Kovalev, M.P. Yatsenko, I.A. Pfanenshtil. Examination of disability in the Krasnoyarsk Region during the Great Patriotic War

N.R. Novoseltsev. The role of ideology and propaganda in the management of physical culture and sports in 1943-1965 (on the example of the Kemerovo region)

M.V. Panyukhin, N.S. Katser. The history of the study of rock art of the Middle Angara region and the prospects for its research

Z.Z. Tsyrendashiev. Housing construction in new towns of Buryatia: historical experience, problems, solutions

L.A. Shevchenko, O.V. Kudashkina, E.V. Lodkina. The transformation of the lifestyle of women of the indigenous peoples of Siberia in the 1950 - 1985

R.O. Shirap. Some aspects of the formation of Soviet trade in Kyzyl in the first decade after Tuva’s joining the USSR

O.N. Shulbaev. Machine and tractor station of the Buryat-Mongolian Soviet Socialist Republic on the eve of the Great Patriotic War (1938-1941)

V.A. Yarovikova. The state of sports and military-mass work among youth in the Altai Territory in the 1980s