N.Ya. Boyarchuk, V.V. Kosyakova. Problems of intellectual capital assessment of enterprises in a digital economy
M.A. Dubrovina, L.A. Podnoskova. Analysis of indicators for the implementation of municipal programs in the field of urban development
Е.I. Epifantseva, N.V. Grokhotova. Supporting business development in Northern and equivalent regions
N.V. Meller, I.Yu. Nekrasova. Integral assessment of financial position of construction enterprises (on the example of the Tyumen region)
А.М. Slinkov, О.К. Slinkova, А.М. Patrusova. Entrepreneurial activity in Russia in the context of the economic crisis
L.G. Sokolova, T.S. Gnilskaya. Theoretical aspects of industrial policy formation
A.I. Chikurov, A.L. Voynich, D.I. Sharaev, A.Yu. Ozerskikh, E.N. Tsarev. Analysis of the municipal sports facilities efficiency
N.Ya. Artamonova. The national intelligentsia of Tuva and Khakassia at the end of the 19th –first quarter of the 20th centuries:theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem
V.N. Asochakova. On the problem of the evolution of the parishes of Russian Orthodox Church in the Khakass-Minusinsk region during the development period (XVIII-XIX centuries)
N.V. Barsukova, E.A. Grigoryeva, E.V. Poylova. The specifics of the service of women in the male military teamsduring the Great Patriotic War in 1941-1945 (on the materials of the Krasnoyarsk Territory)
O.S. Valyanova, A.P. Dvoretskaya. The activities of school museums in Krasnoyarsk and their participation in the formation of historical memory
E.O. Grishina, G.M. Lushchaeva. Modern trends in the development of higher education in Russia: international cooperation analysis at universities of Krasnoyarsk
V.V. Dayneko, D.V. Dayneko. Eric Gustavovich Laxman: life and scientific research at Tal’tsinsky Glass Factory
A.A. Evstratchik. Participation of subdivisions of the Constitutional Democratic Partyin the Yenisei province in the political struggle during the periodof diarchy in Russia (March − July 1917)
I.V. Efremov, V.N. Maksimova. About some factors that contributed to the continuation of resistance to the Bolsheviks in the Irkutsk and Yenisei provinces during the period of the end of the Civil War and the transition to NEP
V.V. Ivanov. Civil War through the eyes of Siberian Soviet writers
V.V. Kudryashov. Participation of the political exiles of the Yenisei province in the legal press during the inter-revolutionary period
A.A. Kuznetsov. Irkutsk regional legal courses. From history of vocational legal trainingin Eastern Siberia in the 1920s
E.M. Kunzharov, A.L. Grimashevich. Siberian military medical institutions at the beginning of the First World War
A.V. Mokhova. The main activities of health authorities of Khakassia in the field of health education in the 1920-30s
E.V. Falunina. Formation of a multi-subject approach in the field of humanities and education (historical aspect)
Zhang Peiyuan. Studies of Chinese young scientists on Russian-Chinese economic relations: a historiographic review
V.A. Yarovikova. Historical experience of gratuitous activity of Soviet students