O.V. Gladkikh. Assessment of market potential for the development of sports and recreational services in Chita
V.V. Dorofeeva, N.G. Zlenko. Knowledge management: new competencies of managers and entrepreneurs
M. A. Dubrovina. Analysis of consumer preferences in the choice of advertising media and information channels
L.V. Kleymenova, E.A. Coloveva, A.N. Ivanova. Personal income tax deductions as a main tool
of the state tax policy
T.G. Krasnova, T.N. Plotnikova A.N. Dulesov. Forecasting the housing market in the Siberian Federal District
L.U. Kriklevskaya. The factor model of mutual influence of transport and social and economic development of the Transbaikal region
S.N. Leonov. Labor supply problems in the Russian Arctic regions
I.I. Lomov, M.Yu. Vakhrusheva. Automation in the banking sector: supply and control of sales
of banking products
E.E. Sergienko. Experience in stimulating small business in the APR countries
M.P. Taskaeva. Demographic situation: a threat to the economic development of the region
M.I. Cherutova, L.A. Kaverzina, O.K. Belskiy. Problems of small business development in Bratsk
N.Ya. Artamonova. Life and activities of G.I. Itygin in his son’s memories
N.S. Baikalov, O.A. Ubeeva. Urbanization of Buryatia: experience of the BAM regions (1970s – 1980s)
I.B. Batueva. To the problem of oppression of the Buryat Cossacks during the dictatorial regime
of Ataman Semenov (1918-1919)
E.V. Vititneva, G.M. Lushchaeva. Everyday life of Siberian students in the pre-revolutionary period and its law regulation by the example of higher educational institutions in Tomsk
O.M. Dolidovich. Change in the conditions of the meat consumer market in the Irkutsk Governorate General in the years of the First World War
S.G. Zhambalova. Soviet-Mongolian cooperation in the field of nomadism (based on the magazine "Contemporary Mongolia")
A. S. Zhulaeva. Female face of the Soviet notary in the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Krai
S.V. Kozhevnikov. Practical research work in Krasnoyarsk evacuation hospitals during the Great Patriotic War - new facts about the scientific work of Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky in Krasnoyarsk (1941-1943)
E.M. Kunzharov. Western Siberia at the beginning of the First World War
(based on local periodicals)
V.L. Kurguzov. Karl Marx: specific views on the historical process and culture
(on the occasion of 200th anniversary of his birth)
A.N. Lukin. Closed administrative-territorial formation of the nuclear industry in Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk-26) in 1949-1960
M.D. Severyanov, L.U. Anisimova. Review Petrushin Yu.A. "Siberian Kuban": essays on the history
of the Kuitun district
E.G. Kolesnik, M.G. Tarasov. Review on the monograph of MD Severyanov and L. Yu. Anisimova
«Revolution as a historical phenomenon»