I.G. Akchurina, Е.V. Trusevich. Features of pricing in the regional market of a telecommunication service
А.V. Vazhenin, N.P. Lontzikh. Human resource management as a component of quality management
E.Yu. Drolova, А.G. Dykusova. Leasing as an instrument for enterprise tax planning
L.A. Kaverzina, N.V. Grokhotova. Income tax as profitable source and instrument of state regulation
L.B. Kovalchuk. Processing model of regional social and economic system: structure, peculiarities of component interaction
N.P. Lontzikh. Personnel management and standardization of social accountability
Yu.I. Molotkov, I.V. Puharev. Strategic program-based development of a municipal unit (on the example of the North-Baikal region of the Republic of Buryatia)
Yu.V. Mornova. Systemic-process approach to organization of production processes of agricultural enterprises
А.М. Patrusova, М.Yu. Vakhrusheva. Methodical and organizational foundations of rating formation for main professional educational programs
K.A. Aidarov. Transformation of everyday life of the Irkutsk citizens in winter and spring in the year 1917
E.N. Afanasova. Materials of periodicals as a source for studying motherhood and childhood in Eastern Siberia in 1920s-1930s
V.Yu. Bashkuev. Medicine and «soft power» politics in the Central Asia (1930s – 1940s)
A.S. Dikun. The Sibiryakovs merchant dynasty at the origins of the gold mining in Eastern Siberia
I.V. Efremov. Anti-Bolshevist peasant rebel groups in the Yenisei and Irkutsk provinces in the years of the New Economic Policy
T.M. Koroleva. Social infrastructure in the city of Bratsk (1950s - 1980s)
V.A. Kudashkin, E.V. Ivanchencko. Role of national intelligentsia in preserving the ethnic identity among small indigenous peoples of the Russian North and Siberia in 1985-2011
Eu.M. Kunzharov, А.А. Dyupin. Social and economic and cultural processes among indigenous minorities in the Russian Federation in 2000-2014 (based on modern studies)
I.V. Kuryshev. Everyday life of a village in West Siberia during the Civil War: setting of the problem
M.A. Malenkikh. Peasant farms of the Irkutsk province under the Provisional Government (February-October, 1917)
A.I. Markova. Organization of medical literature translations, provided by students of Moscow Medical-Surgical Academy (first half of the XIX century)
A.V. Neklyudova. Development of the system of the commercial trade taxation in the Russian Empire at the end of XVIII – the beginning of the XX centuries (on the example of the cities of Eastern Siberia)
E.T. Protasov. Basic questions of activity of legislative body in Buryatia in 1930-1990
L.M. Salakhova. Microsocial approach to the study of sociocultural history of Baikal Siberia.
G.A. Tsykunov. Anniversary of the city of Bratsk: has the time of sentimentalists gone?
S.L. Shakherova. Corporate life of the lawyers in province (on the example of the activity of Irkutsk council of lawyers in 1907-1917)
T.V. Dykusova. Role of pedagogical projection when forming student professional competences
T.G. Makuseva. Formation of students’ self-educational activity on the basis of general cultural competences in informational and educational environment of a higher school
Е.V. Falunina, N.М. Kocherygina. Actualization for implementation under the modern conditions of a managerial program on the development of professional awareness among pre-school teachers
Yu. А. Petrushin. The road has its own story