V.V. Bakaeva, N.V. Kurushina. Intra-process relationship when managing city retail-trade network
V.V. Bakaeva, N.V. Kurushina. Status analysis and development tendencies for city retail trade
G.D. Gasparyan. Forest industry problems in the North-Irkutsk territorial production area
T.V. Gubareva, Yu.A. Solodkina. Development of national payment system in the Russian Federation
Е.F. Pashkevichyus. Analysis of commodity-price policy trends on telecommunication market
A.R. Kerina, E.N. Kerina. Internet marketing in timber industry
N.Ya. Boyarchuk, S.A. Zverintsev. Theoretical bases for innovative analysis of economic entity
G.P. Vlasov. Does Russia need Eurasian world project?
M.I. Cherutova. Letters from battlefield as war documentary evidence
N.I. Puzevich, N.N. Volkova. Forced labour camps in Eastern Siberia: places of confinement
M.A. Mutovina. Pragmatic propositions in scientific and technical advertisements
L.F. Chernyavskaya. About globalization and english humour
E.Z. Giniyatullina. Classification of students committed a crime
Tribune of the youth
A.A. Tonoyan. Interaction between society and governmental authorities: municipal level
Scientific Life
Sapozhnikov A.A. North-Irkutsk territorial production area