№4 (December 2009)
Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science
S.V. Belokobil’sky, A.N. TrofimovObservability peculiarities of mechanical vibrating systems
P.M. Ogar, A.A. Deyneko, D.D. Schur Contact of spherical asperity with elastoplastic half space
L.A. Mamaev, S.N. Gerasimov, V.S. FedorovProcesses in concrete mixtures under the impact of concrete finishing machine with external magnetic field
S.P. Eresko, A.S. EreskoUpgrading of hydraulic load lifting mechanizm of mobile machines
S.P.Rikov, V.N.TarasyukCoefficient of rolling resistance of the automobile wheel. The new approach to modeling and estimation
V. Struchkov, A.A. Klimov, Т.Т. EreskoExperimental research results of examination of bulldozer transmission of the tractor tp-4
S.А. Zen’kov, E.V. Kurmashev, O.J.KrasavinAnalysis of efficiency increase of excavators while using piezoelectric transduser
V.V. Mazur Mathematical model of car dynamics while braking on the rough road
D.J. Kobzov, S.A. Cherezov, V.V. Zhmurov, I.O. KobzovaOn the intermediate sensory bearing of hydro cylinder of increased dimension type
Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems
I.V. Zubov, N.V. Zubov, M.V. Strekopytova Stability of equilibrium position
V.V. OsipovPoint modeling of compression
J.А. ShichkinaDecomposition of relational with the method of limited chaos
J.N. Bulatov, I.V. Ignat’evModeling of hydroturbine and automatic speed regulators and active capacity in the environment of Matlab
Part 3. Modern technologies
А.S. Yanushkin, S.M. Kudryashov, D.V. Sivkov, J.B. Lisaf’ev, P.V. Arkhipov. Perspective method of hard alloy treatment on the planogrinding lathe
О.М. Presnov, S.P. EreskoThe issue of calculating the piping deformation of grounds
А.В. Struchkov, Т.Т.EreskoOptimization methods of dynamic parameters of transmission systems with hydro transformers
V.A. Ivanov, P.V. Byrdin, D.V. Mikhal’skiyTheoretical researches of the device for extraction of the nut from the cedar cone
Т.М. Mendebav, A.S. KarzhaubaevMathematical models of surfacing processes research
V.G. Ivanov Discrepancy distribution of closed I-class testing grounds while dividing Russia into southern and northern zones
А.S. Popov, B.I. Koval’skiy, S.I. Vasil’evOxidation process of mineral oils with accordance of toppings
А.А.Sapozhnikov Target programming: efficient technology of management control
R.S. Bekirova Designing of distance education technology at the higher education
Part 4. Ecology and nature management
E.M.Runova, I.B.VedernikovSome features of environmental monitoring of ecological network in the forests of Priangarye
S.A.Chang, E.M. Runova, O.A.Puzanova Some characteristics of natural reforestation under condition of long-term technogenic pollution
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