№2 (июнь 2009)



S.V. Belokobilsky, L.A. Mamaev, V.B. Kashuba, I.S. Sitov. Dynamic antihunting characteristics of technological machinery working body under surface processing in viscoelastic continuum

P.М. Ogar, О.V. Maksimova, V.А. Tarasov. Influenceof coating thickness on relative contact area of machines’ parts mating

S.P. Eresko, S.N. Shatokhin, L.V. Shatokhina, S.S. Shatokhin. Built-in double-flow floating regulator for adaptive flowing of lubricant into opposite bearing pockets of closed hydrostatic guide rail

О.V. Lebedev, О.М. Ponomarevа, R.R. Khakiyamov, G.К. Annakulova, V.А. Poskrebyshev. Durability increase of friction units with application of composite lubricants with heterogenic structure

D.J. Kobzov, А. J. Kobzov, D. Lkhanag. Bearing capacity and resource of machines hydrocylinders

D.J. Kobzov, S.V. Usova, S.J. Furzanov. Diagnostic parameter of bearing capacity of machinery hydrocylinders

V.А. Poskrebyshev, А.B. Isko, Е.V. Tarnovskaya, А.I. Tarnovsky. Forecasting of technical state of wheel pump with simulation method

V.V. Mazur. Mathematical model of weight dynamics of vehicle with damaged pneumatic tyre while braking on rough road

V.V. Mazur. Defining parameters of vehicle running abilitieswhile moving along rough road


P.B. Ryabukhin, N.V. Kazakov. Complex model for solving the task of structural-parametrical synthesis of logging machinery

G.I. Sukhorukov, R.G. Sukhorukov. Atomic structure and mendeleev’s periodic law

А.V. Strumelyak. Evaluation methods of industrial frequency electric field influence on personnel in power electric industry

G. А. Bolshanin, L.J. Bolshanina. Characteristics of electro-magnetic field distribution on transmission lines under condition of reduced quality of electric power

G. А. Bolshanin , E.G. Maryasova. Characteristic equation of homogeneous part of three-phase transmission line

V.G. Ivanov. System approach to leveling analysis of first class

I.V. Dudina, S.A. S. Zherdeva. Estimation of physical non-linearity of material while estimation reliability of reinforced concrete structures


Yanyushkin A.S., Yakimov S.A., Petrov N.P., Arhipov P.V. Research of a surface of a tungsten firm alloy polished with the combined method

Yanyushkin A.S., Yakimov S.A., Losev A.B., Petrov N.P. Preparation of the cutting tool for flexible automated manufactures

S. А. Semenov. Model researches of hydrodynamics of apparatus with boiling bed

А.А. Fedyaev. Improvement of gas-distributing units of technological equipment

S.I. Vasiliev. Excavation efficiency of stony inclusions frozen ground with heat insulation

S.G. Shakhrai, A.N. Baranov, I.I. Rebrik, P.V. Smola, D.V. Nabeeva. Productivity increase of slot burning installation of aluminum electrolytic tank

I.V. Ignatiev, А.Е. Kovrov. Choice of stabilization coeffients of automatic field controller with experimental data

A.N. Baranov, L.V. Gavrilenko, A.V. Morenko, D.V. Nabeeva., A.N. Chesnokova Decrease in corrosion activity of the electrofilters’ dust in a system of gas purification of aluminum smelters

V.G. Ivanov. Logical changes of differences accumulation d of  first class leveling lines while dividing lines into climatic zones

M.I. Cherutova. Stages of entrepreneur process


B.I. Ugrumov, K.I. Shilinko. Water quality problem in reservoirs due to its contamination with wood pulp

S.А. Chzhan. Peculiarities of repeated succsessive processes in the areas of anthropogenic pollution

М.R. Erofeva, A.D. Sinegibskaya. Methodological approach to development of continuous system of ecological education of students at bratsk state university

V.A. Nikiforova, T.G. Pertseva. The physical development of children and teenagers of east siberia

S.А. Yanushkin. State policy of nature conservation of industrial enterprises of irkutsk region in 1980s

Abstracts of published articles

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