№ 1(17) (February 2013)
Part 1. Issues of Mechanics and Engineering Science
S.V. Belokobyl’sky, S.V. Eliseev.Generalized representations on vibration protection tasks
S.V. Belokobyl’sky, V.A. Koronatov. Self-excited frictional oscillations of one-mass system with regard to momentary change of velocity sign to opposite one
S.V. Eliseev, A.V. EliseevDetermination of viscous friction factor for the material particles multiple flipping mode in the unilateral constraint model problem
D.Yu. Kobzov, I.O. Kobzova, A.Yu. Kulakov, V.I. Lipetsky, A.A. Trofimov. Hydraulic cylinder diagnosis by the parameters of its sealing units pressurizng ability
Yu.A. Geller. Аssessment of digging equipment vibration insulation efficiency in the presence of spring linkage
S.P. Ozornin, A.V. Yakimov. Means and ways to provide assured safety of lifting equipment operation
P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko, I.B. Fedorov. Application of the curves of kinematic indentation by a sphere to determine materials’ mechanical properties
V.F. Poletaykin, G.N. Plesovskikh. Dynamic loads on structural elements of crawler timber loader under the determined external disturbances
Part 2. Modeling and Control in Mechanical Systems
A.V. Kryukov, D.P. Vtorushin. Multibeam model of external power supply system for alternating current railway
A.V. Kryukov, Tran Duy Hung. Network clusters in alternative current traction power-supply systems
G.A. Bol’shanin, L.Yu. Bol’shanina, E.G. Mar’yasova, T.G. Korobova.Choice of an optimum point for connecting electric load to an operating power line
V.A. Kozlov, G.A. Bol’shanin. Efficiency of a high-voltage three-phase three-wire power transmission line with distributed parameters
Раrt 3. Modern Technologies
I.A. Makarova, N.A. Lokhova, A.L. Makarova. Effective wall ceramic brick on the basis of technogenic silica raw materials
N.A. Lokhova, M.I. Tsindeliani. Phase formation in fly-ash-silica ceramic materials
S.I. Vasil’yev, S.P. Eresko, V.G. Zhubrin.Probabilistic characteristics of the East-Siberian region soil area
S.M. Bazarov, V.I. Patyakin, A.N. Solov’yev, V.A. Ivanov, M.V. StepanishchevaSystems approach to the operational analysis of logging mechanisms and machinery
A.N. Sukhikh, S.M. Syromakha. Machines for effective and sustainable timber harvesting
V.P. Korpachev, A.I. Perezhilin, A.A. Andriyas, G.A. Gaydukov. Technology of forest cutting in reservoir floors of hydroelectric power stations built on forest areas
V.I. Kalashnikov, O.V. Tarakanov, R.N. Moskvin, M.N. Moroz, Е.А. Belyakova, V.S. Belyakova, . R.I. Spiridonov. Use of natural water suspensions of pozzolanic admixtures in concrete production
G.D. Gasparyan. Techniques to evaluate technological effectiveness of ultrasonic barking systems
G.D. Gasparyan. МMathematical simulation of generator parameters for ultrasonic barking
V.N. Kostyaev. On the design of forest network based on traffic optimization
О.А. Golovanova, V.V. Korol’kov, V.A. Smoly. Role of organic component in pathogenic mineral formation
E.S. Chikanova, O.A. Golovanova, I.S. Grushko Phase, element, amino acid, structural composition of dental and salivary stones minerals
L.A. Kaverzina. Modelling use in formalization of management process by restructuring the regional investment and construction complex
M.Yu. Ivanov. Modern aspects of the development of software еconomic management systems and processes
Part 4. Ecology and Nature Management
Kenneth N. Brooks, Peter F. Ffolliott, Ramzi Touchan. Sustaining the benefits of integrated watershed management: сoping with climatic variability and change
E.M. Runova, L.V. Anoshkina, N.V. Kramskaya. Introduced species condition in Siberia’s urban ecosystems
S.A. Zhang, O.A. Puzanovа, M.V. Danishek. Growth and development features of production and model stands under the Priangar’ye conditions
A.A. Markatyuk, E.M. Runova, I.I. Gavrilin, I.B. Vedernikov. Current state of East-Siberian boreal forests in the aspect of natural Pinus Sylvestris L. regeneration
T.V. Gubareva. РRadiation physics of alkali-halide crystals and atmospheric ozone problems
D.A. Danilov, T.А. Ishchuk. Competitive relationships in the pine-spruce stands undergone improvement thinning and complex forest care