№ 4(16) (December 2012)


Part 1. Issues of mechanics and engineering science

S.V. Belokobyl’sky, S. V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, Possibilities of dynamical interactions mechanical oscillation systems with connection external forces

P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko Effect of elastoplastic coating thickness on the relative contact area

I.S. Sitov, S.V. Eliseev Theoretical bases of processes of interaction of a material particle with a vibrating surface with «not holding» ties

P.A. Lonzich, S.V. Eliseev. Trend prognosis and control of system of quality

S. M. Bazarov, I. V. Grigor’yev, D. S. Kiselyov, A. I. Nikiforova, A.V. Ivanov. Effect of deformation of wheel caterpillar vehicles propelling devices on their passability through logging area

I.S. Fedorchenko, E.I. Maksimov. To designing of working body of the thrower of the ground

Part 2. Modeling and control in mechanical systems

I.I. Tychkov, A.S. Leontyev, V.V. Shishov. New algorithm of tree-ring growth model parameterization –Vs-oscilloscope and its application in dendroecology

I.V. Ignatyev, M.A. Prihodko, U.N. Bulatov. Development and program implementation of algorithm fuzzy neural network identifications of parameters of the synchronous generator

E.T.Ageeva, N.T.Afanasyev, A.V.Baginov, D.B.Kim, N.I.Mikhaylov. Numerical experiment for assessing the influence of a cloud of artificial ionospheric ionization on the state of a decameter radio channel

M.S. Kupriyanov, Yu.A. Shichkina. Graph theory application to develop direct method for decision trees

G.A. Bolshanin, M.P. Plotnikov. Two-chain power transmission line voltage distribution

M.A. Sadovich, A.M. Kuritsyna. System analysis of reliability and durability factors of north concrete dams

S.A. Semenov, D.Yu. Kuriganov. Mathematical modeling of solid fuel composition influence on boilers energy efficiency

V.V. Shvetsova, A.R. Birman, E.V. Efimova. On the selection of the kernel of stress relaxation integral equation for wood materials

D.A. Filatov. Mathematical description of the processes in the system of railway points ultrasonic cleaning when applying vortex effect

P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, I.I. Korsak. Системный подход к проблеме оптимального проектирования герметизирующих устройств

Раrt 3. Modern technologies

A.P. Surzhikov, T.S. Frangul’yan, S.A. Gyngazov. Dilatometric research into the sintering processes of composite ceramics made of zro2(y)-al2o3 system ultradispersed powders under various temperature-time burning conditions

N.O. Begunkova, S.P. Isaev, O.I. Begunkov. Predictive modeling of surfaces formed under round timber dressing

V.I. Varava, E.M. Guseynov, R.E. Guseynov. Techno-economic evaluation of skidding machines operation efficiency

V.M. Melkozerov, L.A. Lapushova, S.I. Vasil’yev. Investigation of thermal protective foams properties used for oil and oil products extinguishing

I.A. Makarova, N.A. Lokhova, Z.I. Gura, A.L. Makarova. Analysis of Irkutsk region raw materials base to produce ceramic ware

N.A. Lokhova, N.V. Boevа, I.S. Sizova. Effect of fly ash additive on the physical and technical properties of ceramic products based on microsilica and modified liquid glass

M.V. Volosunov, G.P. Drozdovsky. New model of steering device. theoretical substantiation study of the design

O. M. Timokhova, N.R. Shol’. Nanomaterials research under superficial hardening of hauling machines parts

A.N. Komyakov, R.I. Diev. Mathematical model of raw wood storage based on refrigeration and freezing

A.N. Baranov, N.I. Yanchenko, E.A. Guseva. Electrochemical methods to study pipeline energy systems subjected to anticorrosion treatment

О.А. Golovanova, S.А. Gerk, А.N. Kuriganova, R.R. Izmaylov. Correlation dependences between phase, elemental and amino acid composition of physiogenic and pathogenic OMA and their synthetic analogues

О.А. Golovanova, V.V. Korol'kov, O.V. Kuznecova. Mathematical model of poorly soluble compounds formation based on Fokker – Plank equation

Т.А. Potapova, E.V. Nester. Building envelope harmonisation according to the energy efficiency criteria in Bratsk

N. P. Petrov, A.S. Yanyushkin, V.S. Grigoryev, Yu.G. Mrazov. Centrifugal forming of irregular shape articles made of age-hardened materials

E.V. Efimova, A.R. Birman, V.V. Shvetsova. Some energy intensity aspects of bark processing

L.G. Evsevleeva, O.V. Kuz’min. Methodology of system approach to the continuous flow reactions study

Part 4. Ecology and nature management

N.I. Yanchenko, A.N. Baranov, O.L. Yaskina, T.I. Drozdova, E.M. Komova. Distribution of fluorine-containing emissions in rain and snow precipitations

S.A. Zhang, E.М. Runova, O.A. Puzanovа, L.A. Zhang. Growth and development mechanisms in the Рriangar’ye stands

E.M. Runova, V.N. Kostyaev. Approach to optimal forest roads network design by mathematical simulation
