№ 1(13) (May 2012)



P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko. Contact geometry in the process of the elastic-plastic indentation of a spherical asperity

P.M. Ogar, V.A. Tarasov, A.V. Turchenko. Rough asperity and elastic-plastic half-space contact

V.S. Eresko, S.P. Eresko, A.N. Antamoshkin, T.T. Eresko. Automatization of parametric models design of contact seals of movable joints and molds for their manufacture

Yu.A. Geller. Dynamic model of a ripper equipped with energy storage device

E.A. Pamfilov, G.A. Pilyushina, P.G. Pyrikov, S.V. Tyapin. Operability assurance of the joints of production machines hydraulic systems

D. Kobzov, S. Eresko. About criteria of working capacity and reliability hydraulic cylinders

D. Kobzov, V. Zhmurov, I. Kobzova, A. Kulakov. Practical recommendations about raise constructional reliability of the hydrocylinders

E.A. Pamfilov, Ya.S. Prozorov. Сarbon steel parts wear under frictional contact with wood

V.A. Kuzmichev, V.D. Kuzmichev. Technique calculation of the hydraulic backspacing mechanism of the self-propelled vibroplates

S.I. Vasiliyev, V.I. Ivanchura. Results of the working process computational modeling for a trencher operating member drive

S.I. Vasiliyev, V.I. Ivanchura. Substantiation of the assessment criterion for the dynamic processes of hydro-mechanical drive of the earthmovers operating members

S.A. Zen’kov, E.V. Kurmashev, A.S. Kozik, M.S. Banshchikov. Strength analysis of the ЭO-3323 bucket design using cad system to install anti-adhesive devices



V.P. Zakaryukin, A.V. Kryukov, M.S. Shul’gin. Measurement-based characterization of power transformers

M.P. Bazilevskiy, S.I. Noskov. Methodology and instrumental tools for construction some types of regression models

S.I. Noskov, V. A. Protopopov. On the issue of developing the methodology for transport safety level assessment

E.G. Dulepov, A.N. Efremova. Innovation techniques for text documents processing

O.N. Burmistrova, M.A. Voronina. Substantiation of design diagrams of nonrigid road clothes reinforced by geosynthetic materials

K.E. Lisitsky, A.V. Strumelyak. Hardware development to determine transfer function of alternative light sources at flicker dose estimation

А.V. Аndreichuk. Transport developing seasonal zoning of forest resources areas using fuzzy set theory

D.A. Lukyanov. Dynamics of pneumatic damping suspension electric fan motor with adjustable parameters

A.I. Legalov, G.V. Savchenko, V.S.Vasiliev. Computation event model backing the execution of functional data flow concurrent programs



A.Yu. Manukovsky, D.A. Makarov, K.S. Podoynitsyn. A vessel for log rafting

N.V. Vishurenko, I.S. Korchma. Effectiveness increase of frozen timber sawing at the log frames

V.D Valyazhonkov, E.A. Vasyakin, Yu.I. Belenky, A.A. Kovalenko, V.A. Ivanov. Present-day logging techniques

V.G. Ivanov. Geodesic deformation surveillance at the Bratsk hydroelectric power station

N.A. Lokhova, N.V. Boyeva. Lightweight aggregate on the basis of modified alkali silicate and disperse wastes of metallurgy and heat and power engineering

N.A. Lokhova, N.S. Stibunova. Characteristic features of ceramic walling porous structure

containing organosiliceous admixture

S.V. Denisov, G.P. Plotnikova, N.P. Plotnikov. Research of characteristics and chemical compound of sub-standard raw materials for the purpose of the establishment of possibility of its use in manufacture of wood particleboards

L.V. Glebushkina, L.V. Peretolchina. Detection of territorial reserves of microdistricts under renewal to keep vehicles



S.A. Zhang, E.M. Runova, O.A. Puzanova, L.A. Zhang. State evaluation of conifer needles under the conditions of industrial pollution

A.N. Bestuzhev, V.D. Valjazhonkov, JU.A. Dobrynin, V.A. Ivanov, V.N. Ivashchenko, A.A. Kovalenko. Influence of process skidding of wood from leaving cabins on the wood environment



A.V. Bezheleva. Results of the study of the oily soils purification rate with the help of process washing fluids

A.A. Revenskiy. Workability of end gearing in transmissions of different construction arrangement
