№ 1(25), 2015
S.V. Belokobyl’sky, S.V. Eliseev, V.B. Kashuba, R.S. Bolshakov, D.Kh. Nguen. Constraint reactions as parameters for dynamic behaviour of oscillation systems
I.S. Sitov, A.V. Eliseev, E.V. Kaimov. Generalized approaches to the problems of determining contact reactions in solid bodies under static loads and with unilateral constraints, taken into account: multidimensional version
B.N. Absadykov, P.V. Arkhipov, D.V. Lobanov, A.S. Yanyushkin. Improving the efficiency of processing for high-tensile hard-alloy materials by diamond tool with metallic bond
V.K. Pogodin, S.Yu. Trutaev, V.V. Trutaeva, N.A. Verhozin. The method of optimal design for parts of hoop detachable connections
A.V. Dimov, E.Yu. Donskaya. The features of dynamic systems in problems of vibration protection
V.A. Koronatov. New dynamic model of a drill string and numerical description of torsional self-oscillations during penetration – bottom-hole deepening
D.B. Gorokhov, A.S. Kozshevnikov. Gap clearance density upon the contact of a rigid rough surface with a layered elastic half-space
D.Yu. Kobzov, V.A. Tarasov, S.P. Eresko, V.V. Zhmurov I.O. Kobzova. Mechanism of hydraulic cylinder jamming
A.A. Klimov, S.V. Domnin, A.V. Struchkov, D.S. Hackevich, R.A. Denisov, I.V. Habarov. Some results of the mass examination of locomotive brakeblock
V.P. Zakaryukin, A.V. Kryukov, Danh Le Cong. Modelling non-sinusoidal modes in electric networks
G. Kh. Irzaev. Prediction model for design and technological changes in the product on the stages of development and full production
Yu.N. Bulatov, A.V. Kryukov, Tran Duy Hung. Matched setting for controllers of distributed generation plants operating in railway power supply system
S.G. Shakhrai, А.P. Skuratov, А.V. Belyanin, V.V. Kondratiev, V.A. Ershov, V.V. Korostovenko. Improving the energy efficiency for aluminium production by reducing electrolyte gas-fill
A.V. Kychkin, A.V. Chudinov. Study of half-scale model of a local segment of active-adaptive network with wind generator
K.E. Lisitskiy, A.V. Strumelyak, M.A. Balayev. Selection of measures on reduction of short-term flicker indicator in use of energy-saving lamps
V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova, N.V. Starikova. Evaluating burning characteristics of wood fuels
A.Yu. Cheban, S.A. Shemyakin, D.V. Yakimenko. Laboratory bench for studying the process of rock destruction caused by cutters of the working body of the surface miner
A.V. Sergeevichev, A.A. Fedyaev. Research analysis for grain geometry and grinding dynamics
E.A. Kasper, O.S. Bochkareva. Fine grained concrete dispersed-reinforced by basalt fiber
R.B. Stasiuk. Research of unsteady processes in the pipelines of gas networks
A.V. Mayorova, T.V. Kulikova, K.Yu. Shunyaev. Studies in the processes of dechlorination for congeners of technical mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls «Sovol» by using polynucleophilic reagents
Yu.F. Kaiser, A.F. Lysyannikov, L.N. Gorbunova. Breather system of RVS-3000
М.N. Dmitrieva, I.G. Grigoriev, Е.G. Hitrov, I.N. Dmitrieva, М.V. Stepanisheva. Influence patterns of operator’s work experience and the performance of technical process when producing timber assortment with Harvester: brief analysis
E.M. Runova, S.A. Schzan, O.A. Puzanova. Effect of long-term industrial emissions on viability of the light coniferous taiga forests
V.A. Nikiforova, S.A. Fedorovа, A.A. Nikiforova. Comprehensive assessment of the morphological and physiological performance of students of educational institutions on the territory of ecological trouble