S.A. Astafiev, I.S. Tolstoukhova, D.A. Voronov, E.V. Stepanov. Comprehensive development of the territories of the Far Eastern Federal District: the regulatory and legal aspect of the design of the tourist center of the Municipality «City of Kyakhta»
A.V. Boldenkov, O.A. Lisutin. Rural tourism as a factor in preserving labor resources in rural areas (based on materials from the Altai territory)
N.A. Goncharova, T.M. Levchenko, A.S. Afanasyev. Analysis of communicative interactions of universities with their communities in social networks
M.K. Izmaylov. Trends in the development of industrial production in the Siberian Federal District
A.A. Mullerson, A.N. Dulesov, E.I. Lukovnikova. The impact of digitalization processes on industrial policy
А.М. Patrusova. Digitalization of process management of an organization
E.Е. Sergienko. Changes in the size structure of the small business system in the Khabarovsk territory under the influence of the pandemic
Mabiala Gilbert, Linskiy D.V., Romaniuk E.V., Trusevich E.V. The socio-economic and technological models for increasing the efficiency of the service sector organizations
N.Ya. Artamonova. Physical education and sports training of student youth in Khakassia during the Great Patriotic War
N.A. Barantseva. Adaptation of Mordovian immigrants in the south of the Yenisei province (the last quarter of the XIX - the first third of the XX centuries)
A.A. Evstratchik. Armed suppression of the rally of railway workers at Ilanskaya station in January 1906
S.G. Zhambalova. The Mongolian horse: the historical experience of breed conservation
Yu.A. Zulyar, E.A. Serebryakov, R.Yu. Zulyar. Construction and development of the Svirsky Plant. From the history of the creation of the defense industry in Siberia in the pre-war period
Yu.O. Komarova. A postcard as a means of forming the historical memory about the Civil War
V.A. Kudashkin. To the issue of applying modern methodology in the study of indigenous minorities of the Irkutsk region
A.A. Kuznetsov. Socio-cultural appearance of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Irkutsk in the second half of the 19th century
E.M. Kunzharov. Some aspects of medical and sanitary condition of Irkutsk during the Russian-Japanese War (according to local press)
A.Yu. Lokhov, I.E. Eremin, A.V. Natsvin. High-tech model of Albazin Fort of 1683
D.V. Rybin. The activities of A.F. Koni as the Head of the Commission on Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Refugees during the First World War