№ 1(27) 2017



G.T. Devyatkin. Social partnership in conditions of the emerging market in the 1990s.

E.N. Kerina, A.R. Kerina. Corporate social responsibility: theory and practice

I.A. Kudryashova, N.A. Kudryavtseva. Current status and assessment of entrepreneurship development in the regions of the Russian Federation (on the example of the Kemerovo Region)

А.А. Sapozhnikov, Yu. A. Kasinenko. Modern management control technology: the third stage of development (2010-2013)


L.Yu. Anisimova. Discussions on the family and marriage in post-revolutionary Russia

A.V. Veit. Gendarmerie of Trans-Baikal railway: historical and legal aspects

В. Davaajav. From the history of veterinary medicine in Mongolia

D.N. Dambaev. Formation of secondary agricultural education in the Baikal region in the 20-30-ies of XX century

O.S. Domogashev. Development of free style and Greco-Roman (classical) styles in the regions of Southern Siberia in the 1980s

T.M. Koroleva. Labor education of schoolchildren in Eastern Siberia: origins and evolution

E.A. Korchevskaya. About the placement of the Tyva orphans and children without parental support

V.A. Kudashkin. State policy in the sphere of ensuring the rights of indigenous minorities during the period from 1990 to 2004 (based on federal legislation)

V.V. Kudryashov. First elections to the State Duma in Eastern Siberia in columns of Irkutsk newspapers (1906-1907)

A.N. Lukin. About economic peculiarities of the history of the military-industrial complex of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the period of 1945-1950s.

G.M. Lushchaeva, А.V. Babyi. Folding of a two-tier banking system in the Yenisei province in the years of NEP (1922-1929

R.A. Sautin, A.S. Efimova, E.M. Kunzharov. «Chasovoy» as a source of history of Siberian military formations in armed conflicts at the beginning of XX century

M.O. Tyapkin. System of punishments for legislation violation in the sphere of forest conservation from unauthorized fellings in the18th – the first half of the 19th century

В.В. Tsyretarova. Features of illiteracy elimination among adult population in the 1920s in the national regions of Siberia (on the example of the Buryat-Mongolian ASSR)


L.V. Grigoreva. Gaming technology as a means of creating students’ cross-cultural competences

A.Yu. Kvasova, N.A. Andronova, O.N. Yakovleva. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support of families raising children with disabilities

S.D. Kotkin. Features of using content management system Drupal for creation of electronic didactic materials

V.L. Kurguzov. About formation of creative abilities of an individual in the system of Russian education (triptych)

O.G. Larionova, A.N. Rostovtsev. Design and creative activity of students in contextual learning

V.F. Falunin, Е.V. Falunina. Requirements to the personality of the head of modern educational institution in the context of the FSES of new generation

O.B. Chimidun, S.Ts. Sodnomov. On the issue of assessment of learning outcomes in Buryat language teaching under the implementation of the FSES of general education

Our jubilees

Yu.A. Petrushin, S. I. Kuznetsov. Mongolia in destiny of a Siberian historian