№ 1(31) 2018



V.V. Bespalova, O.A. Polyanskaya, V.A. Sokolova. Forest resources assessment is one of Russia's economic problems

D.A. Gercekovich, O.L. Podlinyaev. A two-level model for optimizing the investment policy of agroholdings in conditions of sanction restrictions (on the example of agricultural holding “Sayansky Broiler”)

E.V. Glushenkova, O.A. Nemchinov. Impact assessment of the degree of socio-economic development on the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure of the regions

Yu.A. Zhulkova. Contract system in the sphere of procurement of goods, works, services for providing state and municipal needs: problems and ways to solve them

L.A. Kaverzina, Z.M. Karimova. Analysis of the current state of the construction complex of the Republic of Tajikistan

S.N. Kaznacheeva, E.A. Chelnokova. Tourist brand formation

P.A. Loncih. Development of quality management systems in educational institutions on the basis of standard ISO 9001: 2015 and ensuring the requirements of professional and public accreditation of educational programs

E.V. Pesotskaya, L.G. Selyutina. Application of the modeling method in management of investment and construction activities

M.I. Cherutova, E.V. Trusevich. Organization and sources of innovative financing

N.P. Shishkinа. Market conditions for the development of the food industry in the Trans-Baikal Krai


V.V. Dajneko, D.V. Dajneko. Glass production development and management of Talcinskaya factory during 1784-1953

L.A. Dash. The rite of mother-to-child teaching in the traditional Tuvan family

O.M. Dolidovich. Irkutsk Governor A.N. Yugan in the fight against the food crisis (July 1914 – February 1917)

O.Yu. Irgit. First wave of political repressions in Tuva (1923-1933)

S.V. Kovrigina. Soviet trade in rural settlements during the post-war period (on the materials of the Middle and Lower Angara regions)

S.V. Kozhevnikov. Work with disabled veterans of the Great Patriotic War (1941-1943) in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the role of surgeon V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky

T.M. Koroleva. Military-patriotic education of youth in Bratsk

V.A. Kudashkin, L.A. Shevchenko. Socio-demographic aspect of vital activity of indigenous small peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East in 1991-2012

G.M. Lushchayeva, O.O. Zakharenko. September political crisis of 1918 in Krasnoyarsk

V.N. Maksimova. Family relations and penal colonization in the Eastern parts of Siberia (second half of XIX – early XX centuries)

A.V. Neklyudova. Organization and development of fair trade in the provincial and regional centers of Eastern Siberia in the late XVIII - early XX centuries

L.M. Salakhova. The experience of forming the «image of the city» on the example of Bratsk

R.A. Sautin. Siberian Cossack Army in military conflicts of the beginning of XX century (based on the publications of «The Siberian Cossack»)

S.L. Shakherova. The response of the provincial advocacy to the revolutionary events of 1905–1907 (on the example of Irkutsk)

M.A. Shirshov. Combat losses of Siberian military units in the Russian-Japanese War of 1904–1905 (April-July of 1904)