Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (43) 2019
Системы Методы Технологии 2019 № 3 (43) 5 CONTENT ISSUES OF MECHANICS AND ENGINEERING SCIENCE S.P. Eresko, E.V. Kukushkin, A.A. Orlov. Planning experimental studies of sealing units of a turbopump assembly N.A. Raykovskiy, I.P. Aistov, D.B. Ponomarev, A.V. Tretyakov, V.A. Zakharov. Methods for contactless measurement of the temperature of the friction surface of a rotating disk N.A. Raykovskiy, V.L. Yusha, I.P. Aistov, A.V. Tretyakov, V.A. Zakharov. Experimental study of heat transfer in crescent channel of self-lubricating bearing of a turbine I.V. Antonov , S.P. Rykov. Hydraulic shock absorber adapted to low temperatures: design and parameter evaluation V.A. Koronatov. About correct application of Coulomb's law when using experimental characteristics of friction. Approximation of Stribeck’s curve I.V. Antonov, S.P. Rykov. Development of methods for the estimation of the parameters of the sensor oscillation for testing automobile shock absorbes А.А. Tupitsyn, V.Е. Gozbenko. Sample production and study of the kinematic capabilities of the gear roller-hinge transmission MODELING AND CONTROL IN MECHANICAL SYSTEMS Yu.V. Vidin, V.S. Zlobin, A.A. Fedyaev. Analytical method of calculation of non-stationary temperature field at linear dependence of thermal conductivity coefficient on spatial coordinate G.A. Bolshanin, E.G. Skulina. Prediction of voltages and currents in the transmission line of the three-conductor version according to the load V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova, N.V. Starikova. Using the exergy method to evaluate thermodynamic efficiency of natural processes MODERN TECHNOLOGIES O.N. Burmistrova, Yu.M. Chemshikova, I.V. Grigoriev, O.A. Kunitskaya. Theoretical justification of the parameters of environmentally acceptable motor of a tracked all-terrain vehicle S.V. Ushanov, V.M. Ushanova. Evaluation of Frocini’s, Kolmogorov-Smirnov’s and «omega-square» criteria statistics for testing the hypothesis of normal distribution of the content of essential oil in the seedlings of the young Abies Sibirica Led measured with rounding P.B. Ryabukhin. Logging and forest environment ecology N.P. Plotnikov, G.P. Plotnikova. Improving the technology of production of wood chipboards based on recyclable wastes of wood processing industries O.K. Danilenko, A.N. Sukhih. On the issue of improving the efficiency of thinning 7 14 20 29 35 44 50 58 63 74 81 89 96 100 105