Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (43) 2019
Systems Methods Technologies. N. Kh. Ngia et al. Study of the process …2019 № 3 (43) p. 122-128 128 Рис. 11. Инфракрасный спектр лигнина Заключение В исследовании предлагается эффективный метод выделения полезных ингредиентов из рисовой шелухи, включая лигнин, ксилозу, наноцеллюлозу и кремнезем. Сочетание простых фаз и высокий выход продукта считаются преимуществами метода. Результаты иссле- дования могут быть применены к биомассе других рас- тений, что создает экономическую эффективность и снижает нагрузку на окружающую среду в виде сель- скохозяйственных отходов. Литература 1. Vishnu Menon, Mala Rao. Trends in bioconversion of lig- nocellulose: Biofuels, platform chemicals & biorefinery concept. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. Volume 38, Issue 4, August 2012, Pages 522-550. 2. Anika Salanti, Luca Zoia, Marco Orlandi, Fabiana Zanini, Graziano Elegir. Structural Characterization and Antioxidant Activity Evaluation of Lignins from Rice Husk. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2010. 58, 18, 10049-10055. 3. Yao Lu, Xian Yong, Wei Jing Pei, Cao Peng. Characteriza- tion of a bio-oil from pyrolysis of rice husk by detailed composi- tional analysis and structural investigation of lignin. Bioresource Technology. Volume 116, July 2012, Pages 114-119. 4. K. Minua, K. Kurian, N.Kishore. Isolation and purification of lignin and silica from the black liquor generated during the production of bioethanol from rice straw. Biomass and Bioenergy Volume 39, April 2012, Pages 210-217. 5. Nurain Joharab, Ishak Ahmadab, Alain Dufresnec. Extrac- tion, preparation and characterization of cellulose fibres and na- nocrystals from rice husk. Industrial Crops and Products. Volume 37, Issue 1, May 2012, Pages 93-99. 6. Prosvirnikov D. B., Safin R. G., Zakirov S. R. Microcrys- talline Cellulose Based on Cellulose Containing Raw Material Modified by Steam Explosion Treatment // Solid State Phenome- na. Trans Tech Publications, 2018. Т. 284. С. 773-778. 7. Prosvirnikov D. B., Timerbaev N. F., Safin R. G. Micro- crystalline Cellulose from Lignocellulosic Material Activated by Steam Explosion Treatment and Mathematical Modeling of the Processes Accompanying its Preparation //Materials Science Fo- rum. Trans Tech Publications, 2019. Т. 945. С. 911-918. 8. Van Hai Le, Chi Nhan Ha Thuc & Huy Ha Thuc. Synthesis of silica nanoparticles from Vietnamese rice husk by sol–gel me- thod. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2013. volume 8, Article num- ber: 58. 9. Parveen Kumar, Diane M. Barrett, Michael J. Delwiche, Pieter Stroeve.Methods for Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Bio- mass for Efficient Hydrolysis and Biofuel Production. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.20094883713-3729. 10. Y. Habibi, L.A. Lucia, O.J. Rojas. Cellulose nano-crystals chemistry, self-assembly, and applications. Chem. Rev. 2010. 110, 3479–3500. 11. H.V. Scheller. P. Ulvskov. Hemicelluloses. Annual Rev. Plant Biol. 2010. 61, 263–289. 12. F.M. Girio, C. Fonseca, F. Carvalheiro, L.C. Duarte, S. Marques, R. Bogel-Lukasik. Hemicelluloses for fuel ethanol: a review. Bioresour. Technol. 101 (2010)4775–4800. 13. Н.Х. Нгиа, Способ получения аморфного наноразмер- ного диоксида кремния из отходов рисовог опроизводства / Н.Х. Нгиа, Л.А. Зенитова, Л.К. Зиен, Д.Н. Чуен // Экология и промышленность России. 2019. Т. 20. № 4. С. 30-35. 14. N. Yalsin, V. Sevin. Studies on silica obtained from rice husk. Ceramics International. 2001. Volume 27, Issue 2, Pages 219-224. 15. Segal, L. An empirical method for estimating the degree of crystallinity of native cellulose using the X-ray diffractometer / L. Segal, J. J. Creely, A. E. Martin Jr, and C. M. Conrad // Text. Res. J. 1959. Vol. 29. No. 10. P. 786–794. 16. Tanaka, A. Nanocellulose characterization with me- chanical fractionation / A. Tanaka, V. Seppänen, J. Houni, A. Sneck, and P. Pirkonen // Nord. Pulp Pap. Res. J. 2012. Vol. 27. No. 4. P. 689–694.