Systems. Methods. Technologies 3 (43) 2019

Системы Методы Технологии. С.И. Зубков и др. Методика формирования … 2019 № 3 (43) с. 116-121 121 3. Mescheryakov Y., R. Mescheryakov Automated system of monitoring and positioning of functional units of mining technol- ogical machines for coal-mining enterprises // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. Vol. 161. P. 5. 4. Janiszewski J. Measurement procedure of ring motion with the use of high-speed camera during electromagnetic expansion Metrolo- gy and measuring systems. Vol.19. 2012. № 4. Pp. 797-804. 5. Zygarlicki J., Mroczka J. Prony's method used for testing harmonics and interharmonros in electrical power systems. Me- trology and measuring systems. Vol. 19. 2012. № 4. Pp.659-672. 6. Григорьев С.Н., Телешевский В.И. Проблемы измере- ния в технологических процессах формообразования. Измерительная Техника. 2011. № 7. Pp. 3-7. 7. Chromcak J. The estimation of transition curves geometry in railway engineering from measured data. MATEC Web of Conferences 117, 00029. 2017. 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Measurement procedure of ring motion with the use of high-speed camera during electromagnetic expansion Metrolo- gy and measuring systems. Vol.19. 2012. № 4. Pp. 797-804. 5. Zygarlicki J., Mroczka J. Prony's method used for testing harmonics and interharmonros in electrical power systems. Me- trology and measuring systems. Vol. 19. 2012. № 4. Pp. 659-672. 6. Grigorev S.N., Teleshevsky V.I. Measurement problems in production processes формообразования. The measuring Technics. 2011 №7. Pp. 3-7. 7. Chromcak J. The estimation of transition curves geometry in railway engineering from measured data. MATEC Web of Conferences 117, 00029. 2017. (XXVI R-S-P Seminar. 2017, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering). 8. Matseevich T., Askadskii A. Calculation of the viscosity of dispersions of nanoparticles with a polymer adsorption layer in a melt. MATEC Web of Conferences 117, 00117 (2017). XXVI R- S-P Seminar 2017, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering. 9. Danisovic P., Sramek J., Hodon M., Hudik M. Testing measurements of airflow velocity in road tunnels. MATEC Web of Conferences 117, 00035 (2017) (XXVI R-S-P Seminar 2017, Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering). 10. Frishter L. Comparison of the stress and strain intensity factors for the corner area of the structure boundary. MATEC Web of Conferences 193, 03029. ESCI. 2018. 11. Sychev Е.B., Hramenkov V.N, Shkitin A.D. As of metrology of military technology. М,: Military publishing house. 1993. 400 p. 12. Korolik V. S, Turbines A.F. Semimarkovsky processes and their appendices. Kiev: Scientific thoughts. 1976. 236 p. 13. Hajrullin R.Z, Safonov A.A. Semimarkovsky model of operation of radio measuring technics with metrological maintenance. A scientific review. № 19. 2017. Pp. 167-170. 14. Kornev A.S. Questions of metrological maintenance of the robotised samples of arms and military technology. 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ХХVI- th RSP Seminar “Theoretical Foundation of Civil Engineering”, MATEC Web Conf. of 117, 00076. 2017.