Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (42) 2019

Системы Методы Технологии. Ю.И. Цой и др. К вопросу об отверждении … 2019 № 2 (42) с. 87-93 93 18. Цой Ю.И. К вопросу о стабильности лакокрасочных материалов для защитно-декоративной отделки древесины // Изв. СПбЛТА. 2016. Вып. 215. С. 244-254. 19. Цой Ю.И. Совершенствование технологии отделки изде- лий из древесины на основе воднодисперсионных лакокрасоч- ных составов: дис. … д-ра техн. наук. СПб., 2002. 413 с. 20. Цой Ю.И. Воднодисперсионные лакокрасочные мате- риалы для прозрачной отделки древесины // Леса России. Политика, промышленность, наука, образование. СПб., 2018. T. 2. 347 с. References 1. Tolmachev I.A., Verholantsev V.V. New water dispersion paints. L.: Chemistry, 1979, 200 p. 2. Verholantsev V. V. Development of production of water- dispersion paints // Paints and Varnishes and their applica- tion.1984. № 6. P. 8-12. 3. Wu S. Polymer interface and adhesion. N.Y.: Marcel Dekker,1982, 630 p. 4. Wu S. Surface tension of solids: generalisation and reinter- peration of critical surface tension // Adhesion and adsorption of polymers.N.Y. Plenum Press.1980. V. 12 P. 53-67. 5. Good R.I. Intermolecular and interatomic forces // Treatise on adhesion and adhesives. N.Y. Marcel Dekker.1967. V. 1. P. 9-68. 6. Hunstberger I.R. The mechanisms of adhesion// Treatise on adhesion and adhesives.N.Y. Marcel Dekker. 1967. V. 1. P. 119-453. 7. Lieng-Huang Lee. Photoacoustic spectroscopy for the study of adhesion and adsorption of dyes and polymer // Adhesion and adsorp- tion of polymers. N.Y.: Plenum Press. 1980. V. 12. P. 87-103. 8. Kinlock E. Adhesion and adhesives. Science and technolo- gy.Per.with English. M.: Mir, 1991, 484 p. 9. Vakula V.L., Pritykin L. M. Physical chemistry of adhesion of polymers. M.: Chemistry, 1984, 224 p. 10. Fowkes F.M. Donor-acceptor interactions at interfaces// Adhesion and adsorption of polymers.N.Y. Plenum Press. 1980. V. 12. P. 43-53. 11. Bondi A., Simkin D.I. Heats of vaporisation of hydrogen- bonded substances // A. I. Ch. E. Journal. 1957. V. 3 № 4. P. 473-479. 12. Blancs R.F., Prausnits J.M. Thermodynamics of polymer solubiliti in polar and non polar systems // I oc EC Fundamentals. 1964. V. 3. № 1. P. 1-8. 13. Kazakova E.E., Skorokhodova O.N. Water-dispersion acrylic paints for construction purposes. M.: publishing house of Paint Media,136 p. 14. Gerasyuta S.M., Yakovlev Y.A. Molecular-kinetic theory of evaporation coating materials // Machines and tools d/o indus- tries. University collection of scientific. Tr. SPb. LTA. 1997. P. 136-141. 15. Gerasyuta S.M., Yakovlev Y.A. Determination of fugacity and activity component coating materials // Machines and tools d/o industries. University collection of scientific .Tr. SPb. LTA. 1997. P. 141-146. 16. Gerasyuta S.M., Yakovlev Yu.A. the process of evapora- tion of solvents from painted surfaces // Technology and equip- ment d/o productions.University collection of scientific. Tr. SPb. LTA. 1997. P. 95-101. 17. Onegin V.I., Gerasyuta S.M., Tsoi, Y.I. and others to De- velop methods of obtaining water-soluble varnishes // Abstracts of the STC " Success factors of the furniture market: design, tech- nology and marketing."SPb. 1998. 9 p. 18. Tsoi, Y.I. To the question of stability of coating materials for protective and decorative wood trim // WPI Spbglta. 2016. V. 215. P. 244-254. (972). 19. Tsoi, Y.I. Improvement of finishing technology of wood products based on waterborne paint formulations: dis... d-ra tekhn. sciences'. SPb., 2002. 413 p. 20. Tsoi Y.I. Water-dispersive paint and varnish materials for transparent wood finishing //Forest of Russia. Politics, industry, science, education. V. 2. SPb.: SPbgltu, 2018. 347 p.