Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (42) 2019

Системы Методы Технологии. С.П. Ереско и др. Исследование влияния … 2019 № 2 (42) с. 39-43 43 15. Pastukhov A.G., Substantiation of the design strength pa- rameters for a service-lifetime test stand // Russian physics jour- nal. Vol. 50, № 11. P. 1142-1147. 16. Rosko K. Basics of universal joint design // Machine de- sign. 2002. Vol. 60, № 18. P. 112-113. 17. Ašonja A., Adamović Z., Jevtić N. Analysis of reliability of cardan shafts based on condition diagnostics of bearing assem- bly in cardan joints // Metalurgia international. 2000. Vol. 18, № 4. P. 216-221. 18. Pastukhov A.G., Timashov E.P. Method of diagnostics of cardan joints transport and technological machines // Tractors and road machines. 2000. Vol. 18, № 2. P. 29-35. 19. Erokhin M.N., Pastukhov A.G., Ttimashov E.P. analysis of wear of the cardan cross the joints john deere tractor // Tractors and road machines. 2000. Vol. 21, № 1. P. 24-29. 20. Eresko S.P. Eresko Т.Т., Kukushkin E.V., Menovshchi- kov V.A. Influence of Vibrational Loads on Needle Skew in Car- dan-Joint // Bearings. Russian Engineering Research. 2015. Vol. 38, № 9. P. 651-655. References 1. Eresko S.P. Reserch of dynamic characteristics of the mechanism of processing of wood composite plates / S.P. Eresko, V.G. Mezhov, A.V. Ushakov // Actual problems of aviation and cosmonautics 2018. №14. P. 349-352. 2. Kukushkin, E.V On the problem of vibration testing process control of complex technical systems / E.V. Kukushkin, V.V. Khudonogov // Materialy Vserossiyskoy mezhotraslevogo molodezhnogo nauchno-tekhnicheskogo foruma "Molodezh' i budushchee aviatsii i kosmonavtiki" [Materials Scientific. Conf “Young people and the future of aviation and astronautics”]. Krasnoyarsk, 2013, P. 245-249. 3. Mezhov, V.G. Method for assessing the reliability of dynamic parameters in the design of mechanical systems / V.G. Mezhov, V.F. 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P. 651-655.