Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (42) 2019

Системы Методы Технологии. П.М. Огар и др. Применение энергетической … 2019 № 2 (42) с. 18-26 25 16. Herbert E.G., Oliver W., Pharr G. On the measurement of yield strength by spherical indentation // Philosophical Magazine. 2006. Vol. 86. P. 5521-5539. 17. Habbab H., Mellor B., Syngellakis S. Post-yield characte- risation of metals with significant pile-up through spherical inden- tations // Acta materialia. 2006. Vol. 54. P. 1965-1973. 18. Xu B, Chen X. Determining engineering stress–strain curve directly from the load–depth curve of spherical indentation test // Journal of Materials Research. 2010. Vol. 25. P. 2297-2307. 19. Haušild P., Materna A., Nohava J. On the identification of stress–strain relation by instrumented indentation with spherical indenter // Materials & Design. 2012. Vol. 37. P. 373-378. 20. Cao Y.P., Lu J. A new method to extract the plastic prop- erties of metal materials from an instrumented spherical indenta- tion loading curve // Acta Materialia. 2004. Vol. 52. P. 4023-4032. 21. Lee H., Lee J.H., Pharr G.M. A numerical approach to spherical indentation techniques for materical property evaluation // Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 2005. Vol. 53. P. 2037-2069 22. Hernot X., Bartier O., Bekouche Y., El Abdi R., Mauvoi- sin G. Influence of penetration depth and mechanical properties on contact radius determination for spherical indentation // Inter- national Journal of Solids and Structures. 2006. № 43. P. 4136–4153. 23. Kim S.H., Lee B.W., Choi Y., Kwon D. Quantitative de- termination of contact depth during spherical indentation of me- tallic materials-a FEM study // Materials Science and Engineering A. 2006. Vol 415. P. 59-65. 24. Collin J.M., Mauvoisin G., Pilvin P. Materials characteri- zation by instrumented indentation using two different approaches // Materials and Design. 2010. Vol. 32. P. 636–640. 25. Кухарева И.Е. Применение индентирования для по- строения кривой растяжения // Вестн. ХНАДУ. 2011. Вып. 54. 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P. 579-583. 31. Ogar P.M., Gorokhov D.B. The Relationship between the Deformation of Spherical Indentation and Tensile Deformation // Key Engineering Materials. 2017. Vol. 723. P. 363-368. 32. Огар П.М., Тарасов В.А., Турченко А.В. Изменение экспоненты кривой разгрузки при сферическом индентирова- нии // Системы Методы Технологии. 2012. № 2. С. 39-42. 33. Огар П.М., Тарасов В.А. Влияние формы осесиммет- ричной нагрузки на напряженно-деформированное состояние упругопластического полупространства // Системы Методы Технологии. 2010. № 5. С. 14-20. 34. Ogar P., Gorokhov D., Ugryumova E. Mechanics of un- loading of a rough surfaces pre-loaded joint // MATEC Web of Conferences. 2017. Vol. 129. 06016. 35. Ogar P.M., Tarasov V.A. Kinetic Indentation Application to Determine Contact Characteristics of Sphere and Elastoplastic Half-Space // Advanced Materials Research. 2013. Vol. 664. P. 625-631. 36. Collin J.-M., Mauvoisin G., El Abdi R. 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Instruktsiya po opredeleniyu mekhanicheskikh svoistv metalla oborudovaniya atomnykh stantsii bezobraztsovymi