Systems. Methods. Technologies 2 (42) 2019

Systems Methods Technologies. S.K. Kargapol’tsev et al. On the peculiarities of installation …2019 № 2 (42) p. 7-12 12 можности формирования динамических состояний // Систе- мы Методы Технологии. 2018. № 3 (39). С. 13-18. 14. Елисеев С.В. Выонг К.Ч., Миронов А.С. Дополни- тельные связи как фактор изменения динамических свойств механических колебательных систем // Решетневские чтения. 2018. Т. 1, № 22. С. 435-437. References 1. Makhutov N.A., Abrosimov N.V., Gadenin M.M. Provision of safety - the priority in the sphere of fundamental and applied research. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 2013, no. 3, P. 46-71. 2. Eliseev S.V., Nikolaev A.V., Mironov A.S., Vuong Q.T. The direction of development of scientific and technical develop- ments in the dynamics of technological vibration and transport machines. Irkutsk, 2018, 95 p. DEP. in VINITI RAS 27.07.2018, № 88-В2018. 3. Eliseev S.V., Mironov A.S., Vuong Q.T. The development of methodological foundations in solving the problems of the dynamics of transport and technological machines. In the collec- tion: transport, mining and construction engineering: science and production. Materials of the I international scientific-practical conference, 2018, P. 69-79. 4. Eliseev S.V., Kyznetsov N.K., Vuong Q.T. New approach- es in technical object dynamic property evaluation under simulta- neous action of several harmonic disturbances. Proceedings of Irkutsk State Technical University, 2018, no. 6 (137), P. 19-33. 5. Goncharevich I.F., Frolov K.V. Theory of Vibration Engi- neering and Technology. M.: Nauka, 1981, 319 p. 6. Poturaev V.N., Chervonenko A.G., Obodan Yu.Ya. Dy- namics and strength of vibration transport-technological ma- chines. М.: Mashinostroenie, 1989, 112 p. 7. Eliseev S.V., Artyunin A.I. Applied theory of oscillations in the problems of dynamics of linear mechanical systems. Novo- sibirsk: Nauka, 2016, 459 p. 8. Kolovskii M.Z. Automatic control of vibration protection systems. М.: Nauka, 1976, 320 p. 9. Eliseev S.V., Reznik Yu.N., Khomenko A.P. Mechatronical approaches in dynamics of mechanical oscillation systems. Novo- sibirsk: Nauka, 2011, 384 p. 10. Eliseev S.V. Applied system analysis and structural ma- thematical modeling (dynamics of transport and technological machines: connectivity of motions, vibrational interactions, lever linkages). Irkutsk: IrGUPS, 2018, 692 p. 11. Tarasik V.P. Mathematical modeling of technical systems. Minsk: Dizain PRO, 2004, 640 p. 12. Druzhinskii I.A. Mechanical chains. Л.: Mashinostroenie, 1977, 240 p. 13. Vuong Q.T., Kovrigina I.V., Eliseev S.V. Mechanisms in the structure of a mechanical oscillatory system: possibilities of forming dynamic states. Systems Methods Technologies, 2018, no. 3 (39), P. 13-18. 14. Eliseev S.V., Vuong Q.T., Mironov A.S. Additional ties as a factor of changing the dynamic properties of mechanical oscillatory systems. Reshetnev readings, 2018, vol. 1, no. 22, P. 435-437.