Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. Ар.А. Федяев и др. Анализ энергоэффективности … 2018 № 4 (40) с. 90-97 97 References 1. Levinskij Yu.B., Onegin V.I., Chernyh A.G., Afanas'ev M.V., Kazakov Yu.N. Wooden house building. SPb.: NP «Asso- ciaciya derevyannogo domostroeniya», 2008. 343 p. 2. Zaprudnov V.I., Strizhenko V.V. Construction of wooden buildings. M.: MNFRA-M, 2013. 314 p. 3. Kondratyuk V.A., Kosarev V.A. On the tasks and ways of development of wooden house in Russia // Moscow state forest university bulletin - Lesnoy vestnik. 2012. № 8. P. 79-84. 4. Ermolina A.V., Mironov P.V. Production and properties of thermal insulation material based on recycled fibrous mass. IVUZ. «Lesnoj zhurnal». Arhangel'sk, 2011. № 4. P. 109-114. 5. Chubinskij A.N., Tambi A.A., Varankina G.S., Fedyaev A.A., Chubinskij M.A., Shvec V.L., Chauzov K.V. Physical test- ing methods for wood. SPb.: SPbGLTU, 2015. 125 p. 6. Chubinskij A.N., Tambi A.A., Teppoev A.V., Anan'eva N.I., Semishkur S.O., Bahshieva M.A. Physical non-destructive testing methods and evaluation of the structure of wood materials // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2014. № 11. P. 76-84. 7. Chubinskii A.N., Tambi A.A., Teppoev A.V., Anan’eva N.I., Semishku S.O., Bakhshieva M.A. Physical Nondestructive Methods for the Testing and Evaluation of the Structure of Wood Based Materials. Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2014. Vol. 50. № 11. P. 693-700. DOI: 10.1134/ S1061830914110023. 8. Budadin O.N. Thermal non-destructive testing of products. M.: Nauka, 2002. 472p. 9. Budadin O.N., Abramova E.V., Rodin M.A., Lebedev O.V. Thermal non-destructive testing of buildings and building struc- tures // Russian Journal of Nondestructive Testing. 2003. № 5. P.77-94. 10. Fedyaeva N.Yu., Fedyaev A.A., Chubinskij A.N. Analysis of heat loss of wood fencing elements // Sovremennye problemy biologicheskogo i tekhnicheskogo drevesinovedeniya: sb. I Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakticheskoj konf. Joshkar-Ola, 2016. P. 128-130. 11. Fedyaev A.A., Chubinskij A.N., Fedyaev A.A., Fedyaeva N.Yu. Analysis of energy efficiency elements of translucent wal- ling//Izvestia SPbLTA. 2015. Vyp. 212. P. 198-210. 12. Vavilov V.P., Klimov A.G. Thermal imagers and their ap- plications. M.: Intel universal, 2002. 87 p. 13. Danilov O.L., Bobryakov A.V., Gavrilov A.I. Features of the thermal imaging method for determining thermal losses of building envelope // Energonadzor i ehnergosberezhenie segod- nya. 2001. № 2. P. 52-57. 14. Danilov O.L., Kovalenko A.P. Influence of heat and mass transfer processes on the error in determining thermal losses by thermal imaging // Materialy mezhdunar. nauch.-prakticheskoj konf. «Innovaciya - 2003»: sb. nauch. st. Tashkent, 2003. P. 63-68. 15. Danilov O.L., Kovalenko A.P., Korolev D.V. Influence of the process of ineformation on the surfaces of enclosing structures on the error in determining the thermal losses by thermal imaging // Materialy Desyatoj mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhnicheskoj konf. studentov i aspirantov. Radioehlektronika i ehnergetika. M., 2004. P. 121-125. 16. Sadovich M.A., Koplik V.S., Fedyaev P.A. Study of tem- perature fields of monolithic structures using a thermal imager // Estestvennye i inzhenernye nauki - razvitiyu regionov Sibiri: ma- terialy H (XXXII) Vserossijskoj nauchno-tekhnicheskoj konfe- rencii. 2011. P. 98-100. 17. Fedyaev A.A., Chubinskij A.N., Fedyaev A.A., Fedyaev P.A., Tankovskaya N.Yu. Justification of the need for thermal imaging inspection of structures and structures made of wood // Sovremennye problemy pererabotki drevesiny: materialy mezh- dunar. nauch.-prakticheskoj konf. SPb., 2014. P. 23-26. 18. Fedyaev P.A., Fedyaev A.A., Fedyaeva E.S. Instrumental determination of heat losses by thermal technological installations // Trudy Bratskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta: Ser. Estest- vennye i inzhenernye nauki razvitiyu regionov Sibiri. 2010. T. 2. P. 53-58. 19. Fedyaev P.A., Shejshenov Zh.O. Energy assessment of se- lected areas of energy saving. M., 2013. Ch.1. P. 299-302. 20. Baskakov A.P., Berg B.V., Vitt O.K. Heat engineering. M.: Energoatomizdat, 1991. 224 p. 21. Fedyaeva N.Yu. Justification of energy-efficient wooden enclosing structures based on thermal imaging diagnostics: avto- ref. dis. … kand. tekhn. nauk. SPb.,2018. 19 p.