Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии. Ю.Н. Булатов и др. Моделирование процессов … 2018 № 4 (40) с. 55-61 61 19. Булатов Ю.Н., Крюков А.В. Интеллектуальная на- стройка регуляторов установок распределенной генерации // Информационные и математические технологии в науке и управлении. 2017. № 3 (7). С. 122-135. 20. Булатов Ю.Н., Крюков А.В., Нгуен Ван Хуан. Авто- прогностический регулятор частоты вращения ротора генера- тора установки распределенной генерации // Научный вест- ник НГТУ. 2017. № 1 (66). С. 15-25. References 1. Morzhin Y.I., Shakaryan Y.G., Kucherov Y.N., Voro- pai N.I., Vasiliev S.N., Yadykin S.N. Smart Grid Concept for Unified National Electrical Network of Russia. Preprints of pro- ceedings of IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Eu- rope 2011, Manchester Dec. 5-7 2011. Manchester, GB: IEEE // The University of Manchester, 2011. Panel session 5 D. P. 1-5. 2. Volkova I.O., Gubko M.V., Sal'nikova E.A. Active con- sumer: the task of optimizing energy consumption and own gen- eration //Problemy Upravleniya (Control Sciences). 2013. № 6. P. 53-61. 3. Sedova N.A., Sedov V.A. Managing a smart home using fuzzy logic // Energetika, Informatika, Innovacii-2016: sb. tr. mezhdunar. nauch.-tekhnicheskoj konf. Smolensk, 2016. T. 1. P. 336-339. 4. De Keyser R.M.C. A, Van De Velde Ph.G.A., Dumor- tier F.A.G. Comparative Study of Self-adaptive Long range Pre- dictive Control Methods // Automatica. 1988. Vol. 24, Is. 2. P. 149-163. 5. Bulatov Y.N., Kryukov V.N. Neuro Fuzzy Control system for Distributed Generation Plants. Proceedings of the Vth Interna- tional workshop "Critical infrastructures: Contingency manage- ment, Intelligent, Agent-based, Cloud computing and Cyber secu- rity" (IWCI 2018) // Atlantis Press, Advances in Intelligent Sys- tems Research, 2018. Vol. 158. P. 13-19. 6. Buchholz B.M., Styczynski Z.A. Smart Grids - Fundamen- tals and Technologies in Electricity Networks // Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014. P. 396. 7. Zakaryukin V.P., Kryukov A.V., Cherepanov A.V.Intellectual power quality management technologies. Irkutsk: Izd-vo IrNITU, 2015. 218 p. 8. Bulatov Yu. N., Kryukov A.V. Optimization of automatic regulator settings of the distributed generation plants on the basis of genetic algorithm // 2016 2nd International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). IEEE Conference Publications. 2016. P. 1-6. 9. Kryukov A.V., Kargapol'cev S.K., Bulatov Yu.N., Skryp- nik O.N., Kuznetsov B.F. Intelligent control of the regulators adjustment of the distributed generation installation. Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2017. T. 17, № 5. P. 1127-1140. 10. Bulatov Yu. N., Kryukov A.V., Suslov K.V. Multi-agent technologies for control of distributed generation plants in the isolated power systems // Far East Journal of Electronics and Communications. 2017. Vol. 17, № 5. P. 1197-1212. 11. Chen Y., Ma Y., Yun W. Application of Improved Genet- ic Algorithm in PID Controller Parameters Optimization // Tel- komnika, 2013. Vol. 11, № 3. P. 1524-1530. 12. Bulatov Yu.N., Kryukov A.V. Application of the wavelet transform and genetic algorithms for tuning automatic regulators of distributed generators // Scientific Bulletin of NSTU. 2016. № 2, T. 63. P. 7-22. 13. Camacho E.F., Bordons S. Model Predictive Control, 2nd edition Springer, 2007. P. 405. 14. Wang J., Huang A.Q., Sung W., Liu, Y., Baliga B.J. Smart Grid Technologies // IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine. 2009. Vol. 3, № 2. P. 16-23. 15. Ran Wang, Ping Wang, Gaoxi Xiao. Intelligent Microgrid Management and EV Control Under Uncertainties in Smart Grid. Springer. 2018. 218 p. 16. Loginov A.G., Fadeev A.V. Microprocessor automatic regulator of the ARV-M type for the excitation systems of Elec- trosila // Russian Electrical Engineering. 2001. № 4. P. 66-70. 17. Bulatov Yu.N., Kryukov A.V., Hyng Ch.Z. Automatic regulators for distributed generation plants // Systems Methods Technologies. 2014. № 3 (23). P. 108-116. 18. Bulatov Yu.N., Kryukov A.V., Chan Zyuj Hyng. Net- work clusters (microgrid) in systems of power supply of the rai- lroads. Bratsk: BrGU, 2016. 178 p. 19. Bulatov Yu.N., Kryukov A.V. Intelligent tuning of distri- buted generators regulators // Informacionnye i matematicheskie tekhnologii v nauke i upravlenii. 2017. № 3 (7). P. 122-135. 20. Bulatov Yu.N., Kryukov A.V., Nguen Van Huan. Distributed generator rotor speed automatic prognostic controller // Scientific Bulletin of NSTU. 2017. № 1 (66). P. 15-25.