Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018

Systems Methods Technologies 2018 № 4 (40) 6 A.P. Mokhirev, M.O. Pozdnyakova, T.S. Guden. Optimization of timber transportation routes from the cutting area taking into account the seasonality of cargo transportation E.V. Palkin, T.S. Rozanova. Description of debarking process of round timber and slabs M.Yu. Vasenev. Diagnostic of equipment for tree harvesting machines with the use of network protocol based on Industrial Ethernet V.A. Shamaev, O.A. Kunitskaya, I.V. Grigorjev, I.N. Medvedev, D.A. Parinov, S.S. Burmistrova. Wood impregnation with fluids under pressure I.V. Eliseev, B.М. Shifrin, V.A. Sokolova. Development of logic control systems for automation sawmilling 132 141 148 152 157