Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018
Системы Методы Технологии 2018 № 4 (40) 171 N.A. Eroshkina, М.О. Korovkin. Effect of parameters of gluing process of wood on the strength of a glued joint, № 3 (39), с. 149 V.A. Eryshev. Deformation method for calculating the strength of reinforced concrete bending elements using deforming diagrams for elastoplastic materials, № 1 (37), с. 79 N.O. Zadrauskaite, P.N. Perfiliev. On the issue of sorting sawn timber according to the quality criteria, № 3 (39), с. 92 V.A. Ivannikov. Analysis and development of transport schemes for adequate schemes for timber cargo traffic, № 1 (37), с. 126 D.V. Ivanov, A.A. Leonovich. Dicyandiamide and its derivatives as formaldehyde acceptors in the manufacture of wood boards: transformations and effects on strength, № 4 (40), с. 111 S.P. Isaev, N.O. Begunkova, O.I. Begunkov, K.A. Shevchuk. Evaluation of the effectiveness of aqueous adhesive Dorus FU 406 processing by microwave radiation in the gluing veneer technologies, № 2 (38), с. 125 М.V. Kolominova. Study of specific energy consumption of certain types of machines for logging roads construction, № 2 (38), с. 105 М.V. Kolominova, S.A. Korol, Yu.A. Mordvinov . Research of the overall efficiency of logging equipment, № 4 (40), с. 118 A.S. Krivonogova, Nguen Van Toan, V.A. Sokolova, A.R. Birman , V.V. Bespalova. Theoretical substantiation of the process of fluid motion in capillary-porous media in the context of increasing the strength characteristics of the material, № 3 (39), с. 130 S.V. Kucher, G.V. Grigorev , V.A. Ivanov. A refined model of wood centrifugal impregnation, № 2 (38), с. 121 D.A. Ladukhin, A.D. Goljakov. Optimization criterion of energy consumption in production of lumber, № 3 (39), с. 136 A.A. Lapidus, Ya.V. Shesterikova. Formation of complex quality index assessment tool in construction, № 1 (37), с. 90 B.M. Lokshtanov, V.V. Orlov, V.A. Sokolova, I.V. Bacherikov, G.K. Parfenopulo, V.V. Neslukhov. Dehydration of wet chips, № 3 (39), с. 103 V.A. Lyublinsky, M.V. Tomina. Influence of nonlinear deformation of bridges on the process of redistribution of forces in the bearing elements of the diaphragm, № 2 (38), с. 153 V.A. Lyublinsky, M.V. Tomina. Experimental study of the strength and suppleness of a vertical welded joint, № 3 (39), с. 154 V.N. Makarova. Complex use of technogenic by-products in concrete production, № 2 (38), с. 159 A.P. Mokhirev, M.O. Pozdnyakova, O.A. Kunickaya, I.V. Grigorev. Factors of availability of wood resources: analysis of the impact on key criteria, № 1 (37), с. 110 A.P. Mokhirev a , M.O. Pozdnyakova b , T.S. Guden / Optimization of timber transportation routes from the cutting area taking into account the seasonality of cargo transportation, № 4 (40), с. 132 S.P. Osipov, I.A. Prishchepa, A.I. Kudyakov, A.V. Batranin, O.S. Osipov. Computer tomography of foam Concrete, № 2 (38), с. 146 A.Yu. Okhlopkova . Research of Dahurian larch sawmill warping cased by of initial stresses and its own weight, № 1 (37), с. 105 E.V. Palkin, T.S. Rozanova. Description of debarking process of round timber and slabs, № 4 (40), с. 141 O.N. Pertseva, A.D. Selezneva, D.A. Pulnikova. Verification of the reliability of the accelerated method of determination of concrete frost resistance, № 1 (37), с. 85