Systems. Methods. Technologies 4 (40) 2018

Systems Methods Technologies 2018 № 4 (40) 170 M.M. Romadanova, B.G. Vager. Methods for processing experimental data in modeling geophysical processes, № 2 (38), с. 70 V.S. Stepanov, T.B. Stepanova, N.V. Starikova. Methods for determining heat exergy for the study of low-temperature and cryogenic processes, № 2 (38), с. 63 I.A. Sysoev, T.I. Sysoeva, N.N. Ivanov, А.S. Sukhanov. Experimental model and results of studies of thermoelectric conversion processes, № 2 (38), с. 83 V.A. Tikhonov, I.V. Ignatiev. To the question of the diagnostic method of converter transformers of an aluminum production enterprise, № 4 (40), с. 98 A.S. Ustinov, S.S. Rogozin, E.A. Pitukhin . Development and implementation of a athematical model of the thermal effect on enclosing structures covered with fire-retardant composite material, № 3 (39), с. 41 A.S. Ustinov, E.A. Pitukhin. Development of effective fire-protective coatings for specialized forest machines, № 4 (40), с. 69 Ar.A. Fedyaev, A.N. Chubinsky, A.A. Fedyaev, N.Yu. Fedyaeva. . Energy efficiency analysis of wall elements of prefabricated wooden houses, № 4 (40), с. 90 R.Z. Khairullin, S.I. Zubkov, T.A. Lutskova. Improving the efficiency of measuring quipment, № 4 (40), с. 85 MODERN TECHNOLOGIES N.S. Baulinа, O.F. Shishlov, V.V. Glukhikh. Production and properties of OSB with phenolcardanolformaldehyde rezins, № 1 (37), с. 100 D.V. Burmistrov. Prospects for research in the field of rhythmic construction of forest roads, № 3 (39), с. 97 M. Yu. Vasenev. Perspective automation trends of the modern tree harvesting machines, № 3 (39), с. 125 M.Yu. Vasenev. Diagnostic of equipment for tree harvesting machines with the use of network protocol based on Industrial Ethernet, № 4 (40), с. 148 S.N. Vikharev, Yu.D. Alashkevich, V.P. Sivakov. Study of fibrous materials grinding in knife machines taking into account the wear of the headset, № 3 (39), с. 108 B.G. Buryndin, A.V. Artyomov, A.V. Savinovskih, A.E. Shkuro, P.S. Krivono . The influence of temperature and time on the performance properties of wood plastics without using resins, № 1 (37), с. 121 A.M. Gazizov, O.V. Kuznetsova, D.A. Garbovsky. Ways of improving the preparation of raw materials for veneer production, № 3 (39), с. 88 G.D. Gasparyan, V.V. Pobedinskiy. The dependence of the quality of wood debarking from design parameters of ultrasonic emitters, № 4 (40), с. 105 S.A. Ghyngazov, S.A. Shevelev. Effect of silicon oxide nanopowder additive on compaction efficiency at thermal sintering of zirconium ceramics, № 3 (39), с. 159 I.V. Dudina, G.A. Ramazanova, E.V. Nester. Influence of some design parameters of the combined reinforcement of concrete beams in assessing their limit states, № 2 (38), с. 139 I.V. Eliseev, B.М. Shifrin, V.A. Sokolova. Development of logic control systems for automation sawmilling, № 4 (40), с. 157 I.G. Endzhievskaya, N.G. Vasilovskaya, O.V. Gofman, A.D. Kozmin, V.A. Grigoreva. Fine-grained shotcrete- concrete with complex modifiers, № 2 (38), с. 164